View Full Version : Woke up with tight chest?

02-05-2013, 11:48 AM
Today i woke up in pain with a tight chest, it felt really tight right below my collar bone & when i tried to stretch it hurt soooo much more. It felt like a muscle was sooo tight & i could feel it in my back. It went away now, i think i may have been sleeping weird but idk.
Has anyone had this happen before?

02-05-2013, 11:57 AM
Sure it was just a muscle cramp that people get everyday. Although people like us would think the worst and assume its heart related. Sometimes I laugh at myself for some of the things I worry about.

02-05-2013, 12:04 PM
Sure it was just a muscle cramp that people get everyday. Although people like us would think the worst and assume its heart related. Sometimes I laugh at myself for some of the things I worry about.

Yeah! At first i thought it was heart related! But then as it was tight i realized that it wasnt in my heart area. It was really scary though until i realized what it was! Luckily i didnt have a panic attack

02-05-2013, 12:27 PM
Other day I thought I got bit by a spider. Immediately knew it had to be a Brown Recluse and my flesh would rot and staph infection was imminent. This all within the first 30 seconds of noticing the itchy bump on my arm. I watched it for hours, waiting for it to get worse, it never did. Was gone within a few hours. No spider bite at all. Probably just a hive or something. All that worry for absolutely no reason. I thought about punching myself in the face for that one. Lol