View Full Version : Meds

02-05-2013, 04:17 AM
Can we start a list of meds and strength taken of what has worked or not worked and any side effects and also what it did help with. Thanks. I may be starting something soon and would like to know first hand.

02-05-2013, 04:22 AM
I'm on Ativan 1mg daily right now for a year. Only take half before bed unless I have a bad attack. Helps tremendously to calm me down after the fact. No real help with overall daily anxiety though. Only side effect I've had is drowsiness. Which may be an actual effect instead of side effect.

02-05-2013, 05:40 AM
Hi , I'm on lorazepam 3mg -4mg a day , been on this 3 years . Also take Dosulepin 75mg per day for anxiety & depression .

I have tried a hell of a lot of different a/d med's over the years , found this the best . :-)

02-05-2013, 10:01 AM
Hi , I'm on lorazepam 3mg -4mg a day , been on this 3 years . Also take Dosulepin 75mg per day for anxiety & depression .

I have tried a hell of a lot of different a/d med's over the years , found this the best . :-)

It's great when you find a med that can stabilize you, and you can finally get on with life.

But that's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to tell you that you spell your name wrong :p hehe

02-05-2013, 10:18 AM
Hi , I'm on lorazepam 3mg -4mg a day , been on this 3 years . Also take Dosulepin 75mg per day for anxiety & depression .

I have tried a hell of a lot of different a/d med's over the years , found this the best . :-)

How many mgs of lorazepam do you take at once?

02-05-2013, 10:20 AM
I am on 10mg lexapro daily coming up a year went up to 20mg with .25g two three times daily of Xanax for couple of months. I still wasnt great so then went back down to the 10mg lexapro and now only need Xanax occasionally when I know an attack is coming on. Therapy and exercise and camomile tea has worked the most for me to be honest.

Would be great to have a table which shows what has worked for others esp when u first go on the meds. It made me more anxious coz I was terrified that I would end up addicted. In fact I actually needed them and they helped me.

02-05-2013, 10:37 AM
I'm on Zoloft 200mg for anxiety/depression. I also take 2mg of generic Ativan (lorazepam) for anxiety as needed.

I feel that the Zoloft isn't working for me as good as it did, but that's after taking it for more than 10 years. I'm also looking for a different med so I'm looking foward to read more post in meds.

02-06-2013, 04:58 AM
Zoloft - 200mg taken for eighteen months. I experienced initial euphoria on Zoloft. It really helped my depression, but peaked in efficacy after two years on it.

Effexor - maximum dose taken for two years. This worked extremely well for me, but gave me the side effect of drenching night sweats. I stuck it out for almost three years regardless because it worked so well.

Lexapro - maximum dose taken for three months. No difference to my depression. I experienced weight gain and constant nausea.

Edronax - 10mg per day for eight years (to present). Worked a treat for my severe depression. Allowed me to break the binge/purge cycle of bulimia for the first time in four years and probably saved my life because of this. No bad side effects and it gave me a whole new lease on life. Finished Uni and held down a full time job for the first time in my life.

Valium - 2.5mg - 5mg as needed to control anxiety symptoms or panic attack onset. It works when nothing else does and I can't calm myself down.

*** All of the antidepressants were used to treat major depression/PTSD, as well as anorexia and bulimia.

02-12-2013, 03:19 AM
Med's .

I've had so many diff med's , inc :- eferfexor , loflipramine, seroxat, Prozac , seroquel, mitrazapine , cotralopam, diazepam , amitriptiline, plus more that I can't remember the names of . Sorry they are most probably spelt incorrectly !!!

I'm now on , lorazepam 3mg a day & Dosulepin 75mg a day .

Still feel depressed & anxious .

02-12-2013, 07:23 AM
Prozac has been the best AD(for anxiety) for me(tried imipramine, zoloft, celexa and lexapro) and atenolol and propranol have been good beta blockers for me.
At the proper dose all benzos work well for anxiety/panic for me(serax, centrax, ativan, clorazepate, valium, klonopin and estazolam). I have settled on good old valium for now.
But learning all you can about anxiety in general, learning how to calm and relax oneself and adapting a healthy life style sure help a heck of allot. Alankay