View Full Version : PLz Im goin insane HELP ! (new here)

06-07-2007, 09:19 PM
plz help me. ive always been anxious for most of my life. but lately it has gotten way worse. especially in the past month and a half. im having the feelings of depersonalization, fear of going crazy, feelings of unreality and just plain fear. i hate feeling this way. its so unbearable. it gets so bad to the point where i just want to burts out in tears (i actually broke down in front of my co workers) my biggest fear is staying this way forever. i wish everything would just go back to normal. its like i have to over anlyze everything i do. i hate it so much. anything i can do to help me feel better? :cry:

06-08-2007, 08:39 AM
Hi there
I know exactley how you feel it realy does suck but it can be cured I know this! 1 year ago I was a mess couldn`t face going out and had realy bad obsesive thoughts.Know even though I am still anxious at time I feel i`m on the right path.
I will share a few exampls of how I keep my thoughts & my anxiety at bay.

I set a date on a calender of the day I was going to start my new posative life.
I Joined a gym.I found the exercise help keep my mind off my worries.
Listening to music or hypnosis CD`s helped a greeat deal with disracting my thoughts.
I also dived into a home computer learning course this helped also.

I have to shoot off but..
All I can say is the key to defeting this is to distracting your thoughts and trying to think positive.
You know this is all in your head and your not going crazy its just anxiety.
People who go crazy usualy are not aware that they are going crazy.

Good luck

06-08-2007, 04:10 PM
Hi Jay,

your coping mechanisms are very similar to mine. I have found cardio type workouts the best. I also listen to brainwave frequency cds. My favourites are by Dr Jeffrey Thompson. They really do chill me out. Also hypno cds by Paul Scheele.

06-10-2007, 03:43 AM
Dont worry we all feel a little carzy sometimes nothing wrong with it coz you're not. No really... Crazy people by definition dont realise they are mad they think the crazy things they do and normal. Your very questioning of this fact proves your sanity.


06-17-2007, 04:42 PM
I can relate to this too. The feelings of depersonalization.. overanalyzing.. obsessing.. it's very common with anxiety. But you're not going crazy! Fear of going insane is just something that many of us deal with, because panic/anxiety states are not the normal functioning states of our brains. It's scary sometimes, but the threats we feel are not real. You're here, you're sane, and you will get through this.

I have a horrible habit of overanalyzing too.. but I've learned that it changes nothing. So remind yourself that it's unnecessary, if it helps at all.

Hey Guys
06-17-2007, 05:29 PM
I have a horrible habit of overanalyzing too.. but I've learned that it changes nothing. So remind yourself that it's unnecessary, if it helps at all.

I myself had a moment of over-analysis last tuesday. It was my 20th birthday, and all I could think about was "I'm 20 years old and I still haven't figured myself out yet." It definitely put a damper on what was supposed to be a happy day for me. While I was distressed by these thoughts, I spoke to my mother and she helped me realize the fact that most people go through their entire lives without "figuring themselves out." Kind of made me realize over-analyzing every aspect of my life and every choice I make isn't accomplishing anything....well, anything good for that matter ;)

Keep your heads up, guys.

06-17-2007, 07:15 PM
I have a horrible habit of overanalyzing too.. but I've learned that it changes nothing. So remind yourself that it's unnecessary, if it helps at all.

I myself had a moment of over-analysis last tuesday. It was my 20th birthday, and all I could think about was "I'm 20 years old and I still haven't figured myself out yet." It definitely put a damper on what was supposed to be a happy day for me. While I was distressed by these thoughts, I spoke to my mother and she helped me realize the fact that most people go through their entire lives without "figuring themselves out." Kind of made me realize over-analyzing every aspect of my life and every choice I make isn't accomplishing anything....well, anything good for that matter ;)

Keep your heads up, guys.

Good point. I don't think anyone totally has themselves figured out. And if they did, wouldn't it ultimately be kind of boring to know it all anyway?

BTW, I'm turning 20 in two weeks, so hopefully I'll go through the day without analyzing myself either. :)

06-24-2007, 09:44 AM
I know exactly what you're going through. I hate those feelings of fear and unreality that anxiety can bring on. If you have tried what people have suggested so far and nothing helps, the next best thing to do is to see a professional and discuss medications with him/her. I've come to realize that there is a chemical imbalance that causes most of the anxiety and there are medications to help put that balance back into our brain.