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02-04-2013, 03:44 AM
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Aly, I'm 20 and working at a law firm. I have both Panic Disorder and Bi Polar II. I am currently taking Metoprolol to help with the raising blood pressure that panic causes. Zoloft for the panic itself and Lamictal for the Bi Polar Disorder. I also keep Xanax just incase I spaz.
So far so good I guess. I'm dealing with some yucky nausea which is pretty much the only symptom I ever get because my body is not used to meds. I went from being the girl who wouldn't take aspirin for a headache to being on 4 different meds!
My husband is in the Navy and my doctors seem to think that I am having a hard time with this. I'm not quite sure what has brought this on. I was fine one day and the next day I was in the ER thinking that I was dying. It was terrifying.
Any ways that you all have found to cope would really help.

Thank You!
Nice to meet you all!

02-04-2013, 08:37 AM
Hi Aly, and welcome!

You and your husband look very happy in your avatar. Emotions can be so strange. Who really knows what our subconscious does in order to cope with things. Do these stressful experiences that we believe we deal with, really affect us so badly? Or is it a case of coincidence? A simple 'blame it on the dog'. Of course these questions are all rhetorical! :) Having experienced many stressful times, after all the commotion of going through an anxiety disorder, I really now wonder what impact these things have on the psyche. It's become a genuine interest of mine. I just remember doing a relaxation therapy one time, and bursting out with all of this overwhelming emotion. Unfortunately I've never met anybody that really had the answer. Only hundreds of people bored of looking for it!

I hope this forum can give you some insights of finding ways to cope. I'd feel a cop out if I didn't tell you mine. I meditate - A LOT.

How long have you been on your meds?

02-04-2013, 09:26 AM
Hi Aly, and welcome!

You and your husband look very happy in your avatar. Emotions can be so strange. Who really knows what our subconscious does in order to cope with things. Do these stressful experiences that we believe we deal with, really affect us so badly? Or is it a case of coincidence? A simple 'blame it on the dog'. Of course these questions are all rhetorical! :) Having experienced many stressful times, after all the commotion of going through an anxiety disorder, I really now wonder what impact these things have on the psyche. It's become a genuine interest of mine. I just remember doing a relaxation therapy one time, and bursting out with all of this overwhelming emotion. Unfortunately I've never met anybody that really had the answer. Only hundreds of people bored of looking for it!

I hope this forum can give you some insights of finding ways to cope. I'd feel a cop out if I didn't tell you mine. I meditate - A LOT.

How long have you been on your meds?

So you don't take any meds?! I just don't want to be on them anymore. Nothing has seemed to help me and I just want to try natural happy ways to get through this. I have been on Zoloft for about 6 weeks at 50mg. I've been on Lamictal for 3 days. Xanax I've been taking for about 3 months or more now.

02-04-2013, 11:16 AM
I think it's a subject I know a lot about haha - I hated taking my meds, so so so much. They didn't help, and they turned me into a zombie. So I just quit them, tapered of myself, and then told my doctor. Went the natural route for a long time... It went disasterous. In the end, I was desperate to get back on them. It really, really sucks, but I think it's natural to rebel against anti-depressants. I hated them, but they saved my life, and they do others, even though we still usually hate them for doing that too. It's very, very rare to see people turn their back on medication specifically prescribed to them, and have it work out, for the long term, successfully.

Right now, I'm not on meds, but I was for 18 months, and without them, I wouldn't have gotten better.

02-04-2013, 02:50 PM
Wow that is crazy! I guess I am just frustrated after 4 months of going on and off meds. I just wish there was some quick fix to this but I know that there isn't. I am a little too strong willed sometimes. I will be talking with my Doctors to see if the pros outweigh the cons.

I am glad that you have found some peace in this.