View Full Version : Also Worried About Heart Problems

02-03-2013, 07:56 PM
I'm a little comforted to know that I'm not the only one who worries about something being wrong with my heart. When I can think rationally I know that I'm being overly sensitive to physical sensations like chest tightness and my arm feeling a little pain but when it occurs it's terrifying and I continually check my pulse. Eventually I end up retreating to my bed and try to go to sleep to escape it. Does anyone have any tips on how to alleviate this fear? I sure could use some help. CBT work or any specific meds? I started seeing a new doctor but he seems to only be concerned about treating depression and put me on a drug that's supposed to be a mood stabilizer. I'm no doctor but I think he may be wrong in assuming I'm manic depressive. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.

02-05-2013, 06:39 AM
Hey Jvanben4. You are definitely not alone. My biggest fear has always been that I am going to be having some sort of cardiac event one day (a real one) and just write it off as "ohh, it's just anxiety, it will go away soon" and actually have it be something serious. The thing that has finally gotten me over this hump was to go to the doctor and request an EKG. If they tell you it's normal, then you feel much better. I also recommend seeing a cardiologist, especially if you tell Doc you have been having chest tightness, heart palpitations, or whatever you're feeling and they can refer you to one. Have them do either a stress test, or possibly 24hr holter monitor (monitors your heart for 1 day and records everything). You can also request an Echo (ultrasound of your heart). After all of these tests, if the Cardiologist tells you everything is normal, you will feel SOOO much better because now you won't be worried about heart problems. If you don't have medical insurance, it can be a little expensive. (actually still expensive with my particular insurance) but for me the price was well worth it for my piece of mind. Now when I feel like I'm having palpitations, tightness, can't breathe, etc. (I found out I was not having any real palpitations even when I thought I was) I don't freak out anymore because I know my heart is good.

You may simply find comfort in just getting an EKG, BP/Cholesterol check. If all goes well, good chance you're fine and it will make you feel less panicky.

I've been through all of this stuff so feel free to ask me any questions. FYI- As far as meds, if you do get to the panic attack stage, Xanax, Valium or Klonopin have all helped me in the past. That also helps prove the theory you don't have any heart problems. Once the meds kick-in you feel more relaxed and the physical symptons of anxiety go away. If it truly was cardiac, it wouldn't disappear just with taking a xanax. I'm sure you're just fine :)