View Full Version : Cheating

02-03-2013, 04:58 PM
This is probably not the right place to vent about this but I have to
I just found out 30 mins ago that my bf has been cheating on me. We had plans to hang out tonight at his place and I am sooooooo furious right now that I don't even feel sad. I cant cry right now but im sure it will happen tonight. Should I still go over and just end things completely? Just fucking ugh! If he didn't want to be with me he could have ended it! I don't even have time to have a bf yet I made the time because he also made the time for me. I'm not necessarily feeling anxious just super pissed off. But it's ok I'm 22 I'm in college, going to pharmacy graduate school next fall and I work as a pharm tech so fuck him! Cheating lying ass. I mean I dont know about y'all but I think being cheated on hurts ten times woes then a simple break up. Anyways sorry guys about this pointless post and taking away from the people who are struggling more than I am!

02-03-2013, 05:05 PM
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you!!!! It is truly the worst feeling. Do you have any good friends you can call just to come over and hang out so you aren't by yourself??

02-03-2013, 05:12 PM
I'm not by myself I have my mom who I always talk to you and yes I have friends who I can go over. It's just frustrating you know? I have all these good things going for me and I knks I should I focus on them but finding this out makes me want to stay locked up and not do anything. He still doesn't know I found out. He's at work and when he's off he told me to come over. Idk if I should text him saying I found out and fuck you or go over and end it face to face :/

02-03-2013, 05:16 PM
He still doesn't know I found out. He's at work and when he's off he told me to come over.

You should make a trap and keep him hostage.

02-03-2013, 05:21 PM
You should make a trap and keep him hostage.

No, lol....we don't want her going to jail....

That's good your mom is there. Can he come to your place to talk? I would invite him over and just play it cool until he gets there and settled in.then I would say " So, who is___________?(insert the girls name there) Then sit back and watch him crash and burn.
Ugh....I just don't understand the cheating thing. Why not just be honest?

02-03-2013, 05:27 PM
Haha that's lovely. It doesn't take a tech to figure it out, it was posted on Facebook. Deleted and blocked of facebook now all I need it the courage to delete his number from my phone. I just need 10:00 to get here so I can talk to him. I hate waiting. I'm just so mad right now that I know I need to calm down before I go over. You do make a good point though I should ask him to come over instead of going over. Thank you doll for replying to this post lol I feel awful because all these other people are going through worse things with anxiety and I'm dealing with an ex and venting about it.

02-03-2013, 05:42 PM
Haha that's lovely. It doesn't take a tech to figure it out, it was posted on Facebook. Deleted and blocked of facebook now all I need it the courage to delete his number from my phone. I just need 10:00 to get here so I can talk to him. I hate waiting. I'm just so mad right now that I know I need to calm down before I go over. You do make a good point though I should ask him to come over instead of going over. Thank you doll for replying to this post lol I feel awful because all these other people are going through worse things with anxiety and I'm dealing with an ex and venting about it.

I agree with the above post! Make him come to your house. Don't even take the time and waste gas on him. Have him come to your house and end it there so you have support when he leaves.

02-03-2013, 05:48 PM
It is a big deal, and it can definitely trigger your anxiety if you arent careful. Yes, I would tell him to come over. You will need the support afterwards when you guys have finished talking.
I know it will seem like forever for 10 oclock to get here, can you find a movie or show to watch on tv to pass the time?

02-03-2013, 06:02 PM
Well the Super Bowl is on so I'm watching that even thigh not really a huge football fan lol. I do have homework so I'm about to do that but honestly I can't concentrate on chemistry either. Just 3 more hours ah. Yeah I told him to come over and he said ok. Oh man now that I'm a bit calm I actually feel better because the greatest revenge you can give to a guy is to let that slur have him. He's not treating her right, he was cheating on her with me. I just wish he would have been honest with me, being dumped would be a little better then being cheated on. I'm about to stuff my face in pizza and wings lol I'm one of those girls who desperately needs to gain weigjht. 22 5'6 100 lbs. and to switch gears a little my anxiety is mainly over my health, I freak out about throwing up so eating is a hassle for me. I make sure my food is thoroughly prepared, check expiration dates etc. I'm a hypochondriac so I am a health freak and make sure in taking care of myself.

02-03-2013, 06:21 PM
Health anxiety is the worst I go through it on n off and have for years

02-03-2013, 06:34 PM
Well, I'm kind of the same way about being super picky about my food too, after getting food poisoning. Im trying to actually lose a little weight...I'm 5'7, 140lbs, but I'm used to being closer to 130lbs or so.
I'm watching the super bowl too....even though I'm not a huge football fan..... I wasn't TOO overly impressed with the halftime show either....

02-03-2013, 10:05 PM
The Super Bowl sucked and yeah the half time show was alright. Ok so my soon to be ex is coming over in about 20 mins. For some odd reason I have butterflies and I'm nervous. But I know i have to do this for the sake of my dignity. Ugh now that I had more time to relax and think i am a little anxious because he was a pretty big part of my life and we seemed pretty happy and gave each other lots of free time I don't understand where the cheating comes from. Anyways it's time to sort it all out. Hey girl I'll talk to you later about our eating habits lol and let you knks what happens :) btw I'm Amy, thank you for talking to me on this messed up situation lol! Have a good night

02-03-2013, 10:06 PM
And anthony I completely agree, health anxiety sucks the most. How do you cope when you get anxious?

02-03-2013, 10:20 PM
Depends on how high my anxiety is, if real high i tend to fall in the trap.....but usually try to distract myself from the anxiety sometimes it works sometimes it don't I'm still learning and for first time facing it head on no meds I knw that's the only way this will stop

02-04-2013, 06:29 AM
Amy, no problem! Good talking to you, my name is Lisa. I hope everything went ok last night! Message me if you want to and we can chat.

Anthony, health anxiety is the worst thing ever. I've just had to stop reading or watching certain things that I know will trigger those anxious feelings...so that means, no more Discovery Health channel, No more Dr. G medical examiner...no more articles on heart attacks and strokes. Lol...

02-04-2013, 06:45 AM
Amy, no problem! Good talking to you, my name is Lisa. I hope everything went ok last night! Message me if you want to and we can chat.

Anthony, health anxiety is the worst thing ever. I've just had to stop reading or watching certain things that I know will trigger those anxious feelings...so that means, no more Discovery Health channel, No more Dr. G medical examiner...no more articles on heart attacks and strokes. Lol...

I can't even watch doctor shows or drama show that people go to the ER anymore. My daughter works in a hospital and loves watching grays anatomy etc but I just can't do it anymore! No scary movies either.

02-04-2013, 07:19 AM
Nice to meet you Lisa! Well last night did not happen, he had some emergency to attend to so be could not make it. So another time. I feel ok I slept well I'm not that sad but I do feel lonely.
But besides that I have to agree with you that I had to stop watching all those shows and channels because it scares me so bad. Which sucks though because I am so interested in that kind of stuff. I love health care and medicine and that's what I'm going to school for lol. Do you take any medication to ease your anxiety? I take sertraline to help me with mine. It helps go through my college anxiety haha. But I'm only taking it for 6 months because this semester is pretty pivotal for me and also not having the bf will help me not be lazy or depressed.

02-04-2013, 07:42 AM
Nice to meet you Lisa! Well last night did not happen, he had some emergency to attend to so be could not make it. So another time. I feel ok I slept well I'm not that sad but I do feel lonely.
But besides that I have to agree with you that I had to stop watching all those shows and channels because it scares me so bad. Which sucks though because I am so interested in that kind of stuff. I love health care and medicine and that's what I'm going to school for lol. Do you take any medication to ease your anxiety? I take sertraline to help me with mine. It helps go through my college anxiety haha. But I'm only taking it for 6 months because this semester is pretty pivotal for me and also not having the bf will help me not be lazy or depressed.

I do not take anything other than klonopan. I have tried the others like Zoloft and Paxil etc and they landed me in the hops so I can't take any of those. I found I was low on b12 and D so I take those and it has seems to help. I am more relaxed now. I do still have moments but not like before. I also take magnesium citrate which really relaxed my Berbers and muscles and helps me sleep better. So I hope all that keeps working for me. I have changed my diet too and added a pre natial vit. I try and eat more vegetables and fruit:) but even with all that I can't watch any medical shows or I will send myself into a health mode of thinking I have something or will have something. Lol. It's crazy! I am a worrier, and that causes a lot of my anxiety:( I just try and stay busy even if its cleaning the house when I am not at work.

02-04-2013, 08:05 AM
Nice to meet you Lisa! Well last night did not happen, he had some emergency to attend to so be could not make it. So another time. I feel ok I slept well I'm not that sad but I do feel lonely.
But besides that I have to agree with you that I had to stop watching all those shows and channels because it scares me so bad. Which sucks though because I am so interested in that kind of stuff. I love health care and medicine and that's what I'm going to school for lol. Do you take any medication to ease your anxiety? I take sertraline to help me with mine. It helps go through my college anxiety haha. But I'm only taking it for 6 months because this semester is pretty pivotal for me and also not having the bf will help me not be lazy or depressed.

Sorry things didn't work out last night, but I guess it just gives you more time to think about what you want to say when you speak with him. I take 30mg of Buspar and I just recently stopped taking liquid setraline, it was giving me too many side effects, upset stomach being the worst side effect. I usually feel less stressed out while and after exercising. I wish that feeling could last all day!!!!!

02-04-2013, 08:20 AM
Haha I hear you, working out is amazing! But sandy, ( I hope that's your name!) lol anyways magnesium citrate, what is that? I heard a thing of two about it but I want to try it. Also how do you find out you were low on B12?
Lisa, I work in a pharmacy and I just noticed yesterday that there was a liquid form of sertraline. Never knew that, but yes my main concern about trying new meds is the side effects that will make my stomach upset. I can't handle my stomach giving me problems that's what my anxiety is about if I had to limit it down to one thing. After getting the stomach virus 3 months back I freaked out real bad so that's why I'm on Zoloft. For me it's working but my doctor did prescribe be klonopin if I have a panic attack, still havent used it but I hear it's pretty addictive but great for anxiety especially social anxiety. Have you guys tried yoga? That really helps! I Love it and it gives you a great body lol.

02-04-2013, 09:23 AM
I bought a yoga dvd...I think it was Denise Richards....I swear it almost killed me. Denise Richards is smiling in the video, doing the various poses, saying "Doesn't this feel great?" I, on the other hand, was a crumpled mess on my yoga mat, sweating all over the place.... That was it for that yoga tape. I actually take Tai Chi and kickboxing. I enjoy both quite a bit.... I also try to meditate at least once a day.
Yes, I cannot deal with anything that causes my stomach to be upset. I tried to tough it out for a few months, but I just couldn't deal with it any longer. I took the liquid version because I was taking such a small amount.

02-04-2013, 11:10 AM
My regular doctor did blood work and checked my D and B12 levels. Both were very low. When they are low they can cause more anxiety. It's a symptom. The magnesium citrate is a vitamins. It helps relax muscle and nerves and in the hops is given in higher doses for irregular heat beat and heart attack patients. I had skipped heart beats for 7 mths everyday and was told by my pharm to take the mag citrat because it helps regulate the heart. It's just a vitamin. So I did and have not had a palp in 2 weeks! So I guess its working for me. It's also a calmer so I take it at night and I do sleep much better now. It does not make you tired, just relaxes you:)

02-04-2013, 11:13 AM
My regular doctor did blood work and checked my D and B12 levels. Both were very low. When they are low they can cause more anxiety. It's a symptom. The magnesium citrate is a vitamins. It helps relax muscle and nerves and in the hops is given in higher doses for irregular heat beat and heart attack patients. I had skipped heart beats for 7 mths everyday and was told by my pharm to take the mag citrat because it helps regulate the heart. It's just a vitamin. So I did and have not had a palp in 2 weeks! So I guess its working for me. It's also a calmer so I take it at night and I do sleep much better now. It does not make you tired, just relaxes you:)

Google mag citrate benefits and see all the good it does. Most blood tests come back that mag is good but you can still be low. The good mag tests are very expensive. Stress can deplete you of a lot if vitamins. I have done a lot if research on it:)

02-04-2013, 01:36 PM
Oooo I might have to buy some vitamins then! I can get if a local wal mart or target? Is it just called mag citrate? Any brands you recommend? Thank you so much for the insight! I will do my research, I'm really happy for you that it's working. I went to my doctor last week and got my blood tears taken. Everything normal but I will check my magnesium to see if I'm Low.
Lisa- lol looks like yoga was a bust! Kickboxing sounds so much fun especially to get rid of that negative energy. I try hot yoga and the room is 97 degrees Fahrenheit and you are sweating like a pig I mean your sweat actually feels good trickling down your body lol. But the heat makes you more flexible and one hour of hot yoga with 1 min break every 5 poses you loose about 360 calories on average. For me I cant afford to loose weight at all so I focus more on my flexibility breathing and over all calm. I don't know where you guys live but I'm in Texas and we have a place called sunstone yoga and there's many classes that you start with. You can also do yoga in water! It's fun :) and trust me on this ladies I am the least flexible person and my coordination sucks but you get the hang of it.

02-04-2013, 02:39 PM
I know of a place close to where I am that offers hot yoga, maybe I will give it a chance!!! I do love kickboxing, I feel really great after my 45 min class. I also found a water aerobics class about 5 minutes away...I am thinking of trying that as well.I am determined to lose these extra 10 lbs!!!!

I actually need to take some vitamins as well. My most recent blood test showed I had low potassium and that I am slightly anemic. I kind of understand the anemia as I don't eat a lot of red meat..etc..

02-04-2013, 06:15 PM
Oooo I might have to buy some vitamins then! I can get if a local wal mart or target? Is it just called mag citrate? Any brands you recommend? Thank you so much for the insight! I will do my research, I'm really happy for you that it's working. I went to my doctor last week and got my blood tears taken. Everything normal but I will check my magnesium to see if I'm Low.
Lisa- lol looks like yoga was a bust! Kickboxing sounds so much fun especially to get rid of that negative energy. I try hot yoga and the room is 97 degrees Fahrenheit and you are sweating like a pig I mean your sweat actually feels good trickling down your body lol. But the heat makes you more flexible and one hour of hot yoga with 1 min break every 5 poses you loose about 360 calories on average. For me I cant afford to loose weight at all so I focus more on my flexibility breathing and over all calm. I don't know where you guys live but I'm in Texas and we have a place called sunstone yoga and there's many classes that you start with. You can also do yoga in water! It's fun :) and trust me on this ladies I am the least flexible person and my coordination sucks but you get the hang of it.

I could not find them at a regular store. They all seemed to carry only mag oxide which does not absorb we'll and is worthless. I had to get mine at a vitamins shop and also you could try a pharmacy that owns his own business. Not a retail one. As long as its mag citrate prob any brand will do:)

02-04-2013, 08:44 PM
Ah gotcha thanks for the recommendation! I'm now going go go vitamin shopping :) I really need a good supplement drink though like for the days I'm super busy and don't have to time to eat break fast. I tried ensure and drank them for a month but it's technically just sugar and water and really high in calories.. I'm still looking so hopefully I'll come across some drink able supplements. I am super interested in taking vitamins and minerals but I don't know which one is good, I do my research but it just gets me more overwhelmed. I will definitely try mag citrate though.

02-05-2013, 10:35 AM
Ah gotcha thanks for the recommendation! I'm now going go go vitamin shopping :) I really need a good supplement drink though like for the days I'm super busy and don't have to time to eat break fast. I tried ensure and drank them for a month but it's technically just sugar and water and really high in calories.. I'm still looking so hopefully I'll come across some drink able supplements. I am super interested in taking vitamins and minerals but I don't know which one is good, I do my research but it just gets me more overwhelmed. I will definitely try mag citrate though.

Yea same with me. That's why if you go to a vit shop or a pharm that owns there own personal pharm business you can tell them your symptoms and they will know what will help. I could not do it without them. My reg doc was useless.