View Full Version : unable to be happy because of my physical symptoms
02-03-2013, 12:15 PM
I have struggled with my physical symptoms for a long time now... dizziness, confusion, exhaustion, concentration problems...tremors, twitching.... all that shit.
I like to believe in god so I dont understand why it has ruined my life like this I want to die, no matter what I do I am unable to feel happy.... but I want to believe that god still loves me and fixes me....
02-03-2013, 12:54 PM
I understand and have thought along the same lines. You may be blessed in other ways. Keep up the search for the best treatments and doc for your anxiety. Never give up on that. Alankay
02-04-2013, 03:16 AM
Im so tired of these physical symptos u cant imagine......... Also I think Love excitement feelings have started all these physical symptoms...
02-04-2013, 01:18 PM
Just what.....seriously... JUST FUCKING WHAT.. I have constant fucking weird symptoms in my head I am at the edge of suicide really.
I am suffering and I dont even know what is the damn cause ffs
02-04-2013, 02:06 PM
Fuck all this shit... I will kill myself this year if there is no improvement. Live happy or die, i dont give a shit, I know my parents will understand too eventually.
02-04-2013, 03:03 PM
Please do not do that!!!! Suicide is not the answer. Perhaps you can see another doc if the one you have now isn't working for you. Maybe you need to try new meds, or try some new things to fight your anxiety. Do you exercise? I was never big into exercise before, but since I joined a class, I not only feel a lot better, i have made some new friends too.
Have you tried meditation? It seems weird, but it really does work. I actually found an app on my phone so I can pretty much meditate anywhere. If you can find an app on your phone, you could sit in the car, close your eyes, just clear your mind and you feel 100 times better. Trust me!!!!!
My main thing is, don't give up!!!! All of us here struggle with anxiety to various degrees, and we share our stories, struggles, triumphs, difficult days and our fears here because we know the others here will understand. I've personally have suffered from PA for about 6 years now, but I've always been very high strung. One thing is for sure, I'm not going to let this anxiety disorder beat me down. Don't let it win, decide to take charge of your life, and try everything possible to beat it. I honestly will try everything once if it might work to help me deal with this....seriously, if the doctor told me that walking on my hands naked would help it, I would do it.
Please, please, please, if you feel suicidal ( and I've heard you mention this a few times now) please go and talk to someone about it. Anxiety is not a terminal disease, you just have to find what works for you.
02-04-2013, 03:59 PM
Suicide is not the answer sweetie!! There is help out there for you! xx
02-05-2013, 08:08 AM
It all started with me falling in love with the wrong person... I am truly a piece of shit who can't handle any stress.
02-05-2013, 10:03 AM
It all started with me falling in love with the wrong person... I am truly a piece of shit who can't handle any stress.
Their you answered your own damn question of why you are feeling the way you do. Now stop being a little bitch! And either see a doctor, therapist, or just listen to the advice people give you here in this forum.
Your looking for answers, but do you even read the comments/advice people give you? You just rant about being tired of feeling the way you do but you don't even try and help yourself. Suicide is for selfish cowards.
Andrew Marino
02-05-2013, 08:31 PM
most of us have been there me ending your life would not be the best thing...i always heard if you kill yourself you only end up with the same life and same situation you are in now times 10. I promise if you just think in your mind that our brains can create any symptom known to mind and over power it, you will succeed. I have anxiety still but no where near as bad as I had it two years ago. Right now its just an igitation thing that just hangs around that your body gets used to eventually. All I have to do now is just over come my brain on this part and then i will be healed. Just time now....if you can't handle doing it naturally there are plenty of meds to help...ativan, klonopins, atereol, and SSRI's. One of more of these should work for ya. Sometimes the dr will give you a shot called vistril...its like Drunk in a needle :) good luck man
02-06-2013, 03:52 AM
my head feels like a dried lemon with all the juice sucked out of is this weird exhaustion and burned out feeling and its very intensive... and constant.
02-06-2013, 10:52 AM
What can help me really.... finding a woman perhaps?
that is really all I want in my life to find love... and therefor all my life would become better.
02-06-2013, 11:02 AM
What can help me really.... finding a woman perhaps?
that is really all I want in my life to find love... and therefor all my life would become better.
Maybe you got some repressed feelings man... You said loving brought it on, Love is an intense emotion, what if your body kept all that emotion in, and all that tension has wired up your body like a hundred cups of caffeine.
I mean, you've had the tests right, so it's pretty much anxiety... I dunno man, the mind is weird... And love is a powerful emotion if it's not processed... it can corrupt
Pursue it man... Don't let it rest... Try everything...
04-08-2013, 12:05 PM
I was feeling better for a while... I think thanks to a woman, but then last friday I was in a rather stressful situation and started feeling bad again now now I feel bad again.... its really strange to explain my symptoms... its a weird spaced out/dizziness/unable to concentrate feeling in my head, and my head sometimes feels like its heavy or something... but really woman made ma feel better a while... maybe really my symtoms are because I dont have enough love ?
04-08-2013, 06:35 PM
You have to be able to maintain though, even if your woman isn't around at that time. Relationships are definitely an up and down thing, even when/if you settle down and get married. That's why you have to work on you...and knowing that even when you are single, you are still ok.
Walking Circles
04-08-2013, 06:51 PM
Dude taking your self out is no answer. I understand where you are coming for
I have been dealing with physical symptoms of anxiety for almost 9 months now. Tremors, twitching all over the body, the whole mine yards. I struggle constantly to convince myself it is not some serious illness. I totally get where your coming from, it can get better, but you have to get to the root of the issue.
04-09-2013, 05:08 AM
my head feels like a dried lemon with all the juice sucked out of is this weird exhaustion and burned out feeling and its very intensive... and constant.
Ur not the only one that feels like this. U need to remember that. & u know it becoz ur on a forum full of posts by people suffering too. Go to a dr, go to a therapist & get on some meds asap.
04-09-2013, 12:19 PM
Ur not the only one that feels like this. U need to remember that. & u know it becoz ur on a forum full of posts by people suffering too. Go to a dr, go to a therapist & get on some meds asap.
never.fucking.ever... dont even mention doctors or meds to me anymore. I will get through this alone or I will die, but meds are completly out of the question. its all poison
04-09-2013, 12:22 PM
Im new to this forum so hello to you all! I suffered from anxiety symptoms for almost 3 years with depression also. I am at a point in my life where I see these symptoms for what they truly are. An unrealistic representation of situations that my mind tells my body to feel.
I now feel stronger than before I had anxiety and depression mainly because instead of taking the medication that I was told to take (which made me feel worse! ), I didn’t just read about the ways that could help me become better, I actually started to do them and ignore what these symptoms were telling me. That’s when I realised that they are not real! Ive had every symptom, believe me! But I wanted someone to tell me and actually show me the ways, the food to eat, morning routines, ambitions! Well Im now feeling good and seek improvements every day. I willing to talk to people who feel like how I felt when I had nowhere to turn to, I want to give back. I appreciate my life and im going to give my time to people that want it. No cost. If you are interested then please let me know on this thread.
I am not a professional and not 100% anxiety free ( no one on this planet is! ) but I believe I am on the right path. just keep believing! Thanks for reading!
04-09-2013, 06:16 PM
From someone whoīs been dealing with severe anxiety and depression for more than 15 years and at the age of 30 hasnīt really start living....donīt do it. If you believe in something, even in the smallest thing, it means theres still desire inside you. I know how hard it is (been having a pretty awful day myself), iīm tired of living like this but thereīs gotta be something. I usually think if i get to experience something, even as small as it might be, i ought to myself to continuing trying.
And if you have already experience love once it means you can feel it one more time.
I for once sincerely hope you find it again.
best for you
04-09-2013, 07:40 PM
never.fucking.ever... dont even mention doctors or meds to me anymore. I will get through this alone or I will die, but meds are completly out of the question. its all poison
I was the exact same as u.. i have a 4.5 yr old daughter my anxiety had made me feel like a useless hopeless pathetic excuse for a mother. After weeks of feeling so depressed & high anxiety to the point i could not walk out my own door. Ended up in hospital 3xs becoz of my attacks, had to give up my dog & end my lease to move back home with my mum becoz i was petrified of life.
I am now in therapy & 2nd week on meds. I wish i done this sooner.
But on another note ur awfully rude to everyone that replies to u. Either take in peoples advice or dont ask. Dont come to forums where people are taking time to try help u for u to reply swearing & going off. Ur not the only one that has felt like this, only u can make urself better & sometimes thats by listening to advice & taking it.
If u are going to be rude & arrogant to people trying to help then go elsewhere.
04-28-2013, 03:24 PM
my nerves are so broke, you cant imagine....... I am so uptight all the time I dont know what to do, everything irritates me so much I feel like a psychopat , my nerves are soo fucked up its incredible I cant even communicate anymore I just burst with anger about everything...
meanwhile the physical symptoms dont go away either
and Im thinking suicide is my only option
04-28-2013, 04:26 PM
Jesikahlaine is one of the most supportive person you will find!!! She was always there when I need her! (((((Hugs)))))
04-29-2013, 01:52 PM
my nerves are so broke, you cant imagine....... I am so uptight all the time I dont know what to do, everything irritates me so much I feel like a psychopat , my nerves are soo fucked up its incredible I cant even communicate anymore I just burst with anger about everything...
meanwhile the physical symptoms dont go away either
and Im thinking suicide is my only option
If you are suicidal, go to the nearest ER. Suicide should not be an option. When you say all meds are poison, have you tried all meds? Are you afraid of taking meds? Have you seen a therapist? Check out some of the Stickies that have been posted...there are some really great tips on there on how to control anxiety and panic attacks naturally.
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