View Full Version : OCD questions.

02-03-2013, 12:55 AM
I think I'm ocd in some ways and it has actually annoyed family members that's how bad it can get. I would just like to know is ocd/anxiety related. I seem to notice the ocd's seem to keep me in a certain routine where when I do them I automatically catch my mind saying "last time I was doing this I had this bad feeling."

I CANNOT leave the bedroom without touching my remote a certain way and I often do this several times until I get a certain feeling out of it then I have to leave or I'll want to do it again. It's so bad that when I force myself to leave without doing it I have to go back and do it because it's almost an unconrollable urge. My mind says "if you don't do that something might be wrong with you." It's like my mind creates these scenarios for me to prove to myself I'm ok. I will do this with any remote in the house. I CAN'T see two remotes touching each other. I can't have a radio or anything on an odd number. Can't have the tv volume on odd number. And these are just funny little things that I like to do. I literally feel like it has to be done. I also have this weird thing with the number 12. There are certain things in my room I have to touch 12 times.

02-03-2013, 07:33 AM
Yes. OCD is an anxiety disorder. Alankay