View Full Version : HOCD/TOCD anxiety.please help.going crazy.

02-03-2013, 12:38 AM
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02-03-2013, 06:43 AM
First of all: Quit the pot. Seriously, nothing leads to over thing and anxiety more than smoking weed and there are at least 20 odd people on this forum who have had direct anxiety responses (myself included) to smoking weed

Secondly: So what if you are straight, gay or bisexual. From talking with gay friends, colleagues and students I know that most of them knew very early on that they were gay because the thought or even the act of getting it on with the opposite sex was abhorrent and unnatural to them. It sounds to me like you are bisexual or just curious and you know what? It is perfectly natural at your age and more importantly it doesn't even matter!!

It sounds like you have a sweet boyfriend and a great open relationship with your mum- who you can confide in. Maybe you would like to talk to a counselor as well because it does sound like this is stressing you to the max!

Just remember your sexuality - whatever it may be is nothing to be ashamed or frightened of. Stop worrying about it, stop the shame spiral and accept you for your unique self.