View Full Version : Will switching to another antidepressant cure my depression?

02-03-2013, 12:34 AM
I am taking zoloft(100 mg) for dizziness and panic attacks. It is very helpful for my panic attacks but is unable to cure my depression. Can switching to other SSRIs work?

02-03-2013, 06:34 AM
I'd maybe try a different family of antidepressants. If Zoloft hasn't worked for your depression, then a serotonin imbalance might not be the answer. What about something like Effexor, Paxetine/Paxil, Lexapro or if you're in the UK, Edronax? All different types of AD with proven efficacy for both depression and anxiety.

Maybe do some research and see which AD sounds right for you - it also is important to consider how depression is impacting your life; it is general prolonged depression or the fully debilitating 'can't get out of bed' kind of depression? Maybe you have SAD? It would be hard to recommend anything without knowing more details.

I have to also stress that exercise can really, really help with increasing general physical and mental wellbeing and your endorphin levels.

02-03-2013, 07:19 AM
You may indeed respond to a different molecule even in the same class of AD much differently that zoloft........maybe not. But the only way to know is to try it and give is a long fair trial. No guarantees on this type thing. Alankay

02-03-2013, 08:22 AM
I'd maybe try a different family of antidepressants. If Zoloft hasn't worked for your depression, then a serotonin imbalance might not be the answer. What about something like Effexor, Paxetine/Paxil, Lexapro or if you're in the UK, Edronax? All different types of AD with proven efficacy for both depression and anxiety.

Maybe do some research and see which AD sounds right for you - it also is important to consider how depression is impacting your life; it is general prolonged depression or the fully debilitating 'can't get out of bed' kind of depression? Maybe you have SAD? It would be hard to recommend anything without knowing more details.

I have to also stress that exercise can really, really help with increasing general physical and mental wellbeing and your endorphin levels.

I already exercise for over an hour daily. There are a few bad memories which keep popping in my head and this is what makes me depressed. What makes it worse that I'm currently unemployed. Thanks for responding. I will try to persuade my doc to prescribe above mentioned to me.