View Full Version : Restlessness...

Andrew Marino
02-02-2013, 09:45 PM
Hey...I was wondering if anybody has had my symptom at all yet? For the past three days it seems like my brain is going three times faster than my body....lately, if i sit still my body has the urge to move. If i sit still and fight the urge to move a finger or toe or leg i start to feel my heartbeat all over my body which increases my anxiety even more. If found that if i shake my foot or leg a bit it gets my mind off of my heartbeat. I have the worst fear that im getting parkinson disease or something...its scary as hell....im only 25 years old...please some one help me.

02-02-2013, 11:47 PM
Sometimes I feel like that too. I can feel my heartbeat anywhere on my body. I bite my lip and shake my foot.