View Full Version : Juicing To Cure Depression????

02-02-2013, 06:52 PM
I was looking on the internet to try to find out if Juicing would help with Depression and the horrid feelings, and this is what I found. Also, I will be doing a post on how this is working for me. I start my juice fast tomorrow. I will keep a log of how I'm doing and what I'm doing. I'm also getting blood work done to see if I have some type of deficiency.

I've pasted it in the post below... I'm not allowed to post links in this post yet.

Well, I did it! I went 5 entire days without food! If you have seen the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead or researched anything about juice fasting, five days may seem like no big deal. But let me tell you, for this food addict who has decided food is my closest companion…five days was a HUGE deal! [You can watch Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead at Amazon for FREE if you are a Prime Member]
I initially planned to fast for 10 days, but after five I felt as though I needed real food. I told myself (and everyone else for that matter) that it was because my heart was beating strangely. Truth is I have days of erratic heart beats at least once a month, and it most likely had nothing to do with the juicing. I was just ready to eat some real food. So, essentially, I gave up. And one week later I wish that I hadn’t. I REALLY miss the way that I felt on days 3 – 5. For the first time in years I was happy and energetic and looked forward to my days. I have struggled with depression for the past few years. It has been fairly mild, and I’ve chosen not to medicate myself for it. My mother has clinically diagnosed depression and so I always assumed it was hereditary and that there was little I could do about it.
Amazingly, by day 3 of my fast the depression was completely gone! I didn’t think much about it until the day after I broke my fast. By the end of the day I could feel the blues creeping back over me. I laid in bed that night looking through Google searches for hours on my phone. It was as though this light bulb had finally gone off! It wasn’t my DNA it was my FOOD! And, what a huge relief that was!!
Thinking that my depression was due to a problem with my DNA made me a victim. I was completely powerless to change it. The realization that I was in complete control of that depression because I am complete control of what I put into my mouth was the most valuable thing that I took away from my fast!
Which makes me think…what other things have I decided I or my loved ones are a victim to because of DNA? My dad’s diabetes? My husband’s ADD? My heart condition? This journey which began as a yet another attempt to lose weight, is becoming a journey of healing myself and my loved ones by simply changing what we eat!
That having been said, I am starting another juice fast in the morning. I plan to fast for 10 days this time, with no excuses as to why I have to stop. And then I will slowly integrate different things back into my diet to figure out what it is that is causing me to be sad. I have a sneaking suspicion it is GMO related, but time and research will tell.
Do you struggle with depression? Think it may be food related as well? Anyone else tried a juice fast? Do tell!!
You can read/hear all about my five day juice fast at the following posts. There are several video diaries where you can see outstanding results in my face and skin. Speaking of videos…subscribe to our Youtube channel!