View Full Version : Hi im new / my story .

02-02-2013, 12:17 AM
About 10 years ago I started having mild panic attacks , I went from confident to shy , blushing uncontrollably , when I was walking I felt like everyone was staring at me so I kept my head down and concentrated on walking properly ( which made me feel like I was walking wierd lol)
7 years ago I moved abroad with my husband and parents . It was great for the 1st 6 months then my mother died and we lost a lot of invested money . I took care of my dad for years I never properly grieved as I had made no friends here so kept everything to myself . I put on a lot of weight and never wanted to go out . I had no motivation just sat around all day .
In January my husband took a new job in a different town and my stress levels went thru the roof . I was laying on the floor in tears between empty boxs thinking I just can't do this . My husband went to the chemist and told them about all m symptoms and they gave me 20 mg Prozac.
I feel like a new person ! After years of back pain , weight gain no energy feeling sad I go out now without thinking everyone is staring I've dropped 10 kgs ! My thoughts are always positive no more crying everyday . I just feel happy and normal . I would like to come off the meds but not sure if I will just go back to the way I was. Any advice ?