View Full Version : Hello

02-01-2013, 07:34 PM
Hello to everyone. I am new here and going through a very bad time with anxiety. I worry about everything, all the time and just cant get it together. I have no friends and have totally stopped all my hobbies that I used to do. I just work, wich really stresses me out, then I just come home and lay around and think and worry. My wife explodes on me if I try to talk to her about my anxiety. My wife is the opposite of me. She doesn't worry about anything, a job, bills, our future, nothing. So I feel like I have to do all the worrying for us both. Im about at the breaking point. Cant take anymore.

02-01-2013, 09:57 PM
Hello to everyone. I am new here and going through a very bad time with anxiety. I worry about everything, all the time and just cant get it together. I have no friends and have totally stopped all my hobbies that I used to do. I just work, wich really stresses me out, then I just come home and lay around and think and worry. My wife explodes on me if I try to talk to her about my anxiety. My wife is the opposite of me. She doesn't worry about anything, a job, bills, our future, nothing. So I feel like I have to do all the worrying for us both. Im about at the breaking point. Cant take anymore.

Hi Patrick

I'm in the same boat- I run a large corporation and an under extreme pressure daily- the wife understands none if this as she is a kept woman- if I can give any advise start training daily,swimming and the gym is the best relief I have ever had. Avoid coffee and if needed take half a Xanax but only on the bad days. Stay away from drink mate- do you get tension in your forehead pins and needles in your face!?

I know it's hard to come to terms with but trust me you are not dl one I sit with 30 guys most weeks to chat about the stress and a anxiety we go trough.

02-02-2013, 01:00 AM
Hello! I'm also new the group. I'm sorry to hear that your wife isn't really supportive with your anxiety. I couldn't imagine my husband being that way, because I look to him for support and help when i am having a bad day. Do you see a therapist? Maybe get her involved in a session so she can actually see how much you really need her. Good luck! :)

02-02-2013, 01:21 AM
Hi I'm new to this group too! I can understand thinking you have to worry for the both of you.. Which makes things even worse!! I feel that way with my boyfriend alot of the time.. Also being a mother to an 8 year old I have to worry for him as well.. Talk about exhausting! And isn't it SO HARD to NOT worry... Then you worry about not worrying... ugh. That is when we have to TRY to only worry about the things we need NOW.. Like are we hungry, do we need water, really basic stuff.. If you are like me you will think, weeks or even months in advance and worry that you have to have every little thing just right OR ELSE... Ok, or else what?? We obviously need to have food and the bills paid but things like making sure every little spot of our house is clean just incase someone comes over is just a waste of energy to even worry about.. Thats when we can think, ok what is the WORST that can really happen.. Ok so what if the house is a little messy and someone comes over.. O well.. Another thing is that your wife is an ADULT... I'm sure she is fully capable of taking care of herself.. So much of the time we think we need to do things for people that they can do for themselves and that in turn puts more stress on ourselves and stress is a HUGE factor in anxiety... Try not to take on more than you need to.. Do what needs to be done now, let others help with their share, and take time to relax....