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06-05-2007, 01:02 PM
does sex or mastubration effect your anxiety? when i occasionally masturbate or when i occasionally get laid (which is practically never lol )and then run into a socail situation it makes me feel weak or paranoid like i feel prolyl has somthin to with my hormones and stuff.. :o kind of an akward trhing to bring up but i think it might have somthin to do with it..its only natural right lol :tongue:
06-06-2007, 02:05 PM
I read an article that said for most men masturbation isn't really about sex (visual stimuli notwithstanding), but rather about releasing psychological tensions. So I definitely see a connection, but the other way around: higher anxiety could lead to more masturbation because the masturbation releases endorphins (like exercising) and provides a form of psychological "letting go". The danger I see is that by masturbating too much you could injure yourself, or (possibly worse) develop an addiction to the visual stimuli (ie porn) vis-a-vis obsessive thinking. :shock:
In anotther article I read, it said that a healthy single man masturbates 3 times in a week (it didn't mention women). So if you're finding that your "rubbing it out" more often than that, you may want to look at alternative uses of your time that will help your anxiety more effectively. It's really just about building different habits. ;)
In my own experience, I've found that on the days I exercise my confidence is up, anxiety is significantly reduced, and women are generally more interested in me. So I'm with Benjamin C.: if you work out and eat right, the ladies will eventually start coming to you and you won't have time to masturbate! LOL :D
06-27-2007, 08:42 PM
Not if I'm drunk....
for me, i just feel guilty for no reason at all..
like ive done something bad. i know everyone masturbates...
When I was younger (and lucky) opportunity presented itself many times, but for the most part, I was in a relationship and I didn't venture so masturbation was only a once-in-a-while activity. There was one time when I was going thru a (long) downtime and spinnin my wheels, I slept with a girl I know I shouldn't have and used extra, extra protection. Unfortunately, even tho prepared, it wasn't enough and I had to deal with one of my biggest fears (an unplanned family). It was no big deal to her - I know she's been there before - a lot.
It's since changed my life as I've concluded the only sure way of playing it safe is by 'rubbing one out' (hilarious!). This choice however has not been a popular one - especially the way poop culture is now - as some women with intuition can tell. Damn. :oops: So, as it turns out, I'm older, lousy in social environments/crowds, laughed at by women, single and in mom's basement and tossin my life away - literally. (#%(#$!!
09-26-2008, 03:06 PM
I have a little theory relating to orgasm and stress based on personal experience and a little background knowledge of the psychology of sexuality. I find that when guys are in a stressful situation that having an orgasm actually helps relieve the stress. Maybe it's the act of being able to release pent up feelings by "working out" since it can be quite a workout sometimes!! When women are stressed out, having an orgasm is usually the last thing on their minds. Of course this is just a theory of mine, and I'm sure there's lots of girls that think orgasms help their stress as well. And I'm sure there are plenty of guys who don't want to masturbate or have sex when stressed either. However, notice I didn't mention anything particular about sex, just orgasming. Sometimes if you're not very experienced or if you dont have a steady partner who you love and trust (or if you have a partner who's not understanding or your issues and/or mental problems) sex can actually be more stressful. Almost everytime I was on an anti-depressant I often times didn't want to have sex (decreased libido), couldn't keep it up, or couldn't achieve orgasm. I'd often feel guilty if my girlfriend would do me "favors" and it wouldn't happen because it felt like I wasted her time. But if you have good communication, then you'll be just fine :) However, an overall weak feeling in your body afterwards is either a sign of really good sex, or it's a sign that you're too rough when you mastubate haha. You have to keep a sense of humor about these things. It's way better than getting embaressed by such a "taboo" topic.
10-01-2008, 12:24 PM
This is interesting because my boyfriedn and i both suffer from anxiety. And when we're home and one of us might start feeing anxiouse somtimes we have sex and it makes us feel alot better. Because your burning calories...
But, somtimes if hes trying to be intimate with me. My heart will beat really fast and ill feel really nasueas and cold...And i think its just becuause the act of sex makes your really anxiouse.
I wouldnt worry about it though because afterwards im sure you feel great haha.
12-09-2008, 02:18 PM
Nothing is more relaxing and anxiety-reducing than sex (for me anyways)!
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