View Full Version : Fed up.

02-01-2013, 02:00 AM
I'm fed up with this. A few days ago I got a cold or sinuses or something. I rode it out at home and it passed in a few days. Had a low fever, sore throat, nose running. Now a few days later when I first stand up and first sit down my head has this pressure and my ears whoosh over and over with my heart beat. I'm pretty sure it has to do with whatever that was due to congestion, although I'm not that congested now. Well like an idiot I looked it up and while it can be sinuses and stuff I also found that plaque build up on neck arteries around the ear can cause you to hear heart beat in your ear. And if this is left ignored can lead to a stroke. Early signs are tingling on body. Well that didn't help because I feel that on my right arm and face now and then. I'm 19 with normal blood work and ekg and the docs always tell me I'm fine and wasting money. I doubt it is the build up thing, but now every site you go to says it doesn't matter how old you are this and that can be wrong. And don't listen to normal doctors get special tests ekg's are wrong alot and then even said a stress test wasn't enough. This has actually helped me because now I am calling BS and saying screw it. I'm going to just trust everyone that says I'm ok and say whatever. I'm tired of everything not being good enough. Everything you hear is not good enough and could be wrong. Whatever. Sorry for the rant, but I'm so fed up with every test being not enough when you look on the internet. Seriously, in your opion.. What are the odds something is wrong if I have numerous normal bloodwork and ekg?

02-01-2013, 02:29 AM
Headaches can be symptoms of alot of diseases and illnesses but most of the time it's just a headache. If 99 out of 100 people tell me it's just a headache then most likely it is. There is always a chance it's not but the odds are against it. Those test are fairly accurate but there is a chance it missed something but not likely. Problem with anxiety is that those that have it tend to lean toward the 1 guy who said it wasn't just a headache. It's a life of " what ifs ".