View Full Version : New here

01-31-2013, 11:00 PM
Hello! I've been struggling with anxiety for a few years now (I'm 25) and a little over a year ago started medication.... Lexapro, Zoloft, Effexor and now celexa. Over the past year of trying all these 4 different meds, I got shingles 4 times over 9 months. ( I can't tell you which is worse.... Panic attacks or shingles)!!!!!! In the past few months I've been dwindling into a very severe place. My dr just increased my 20mg to 40mg. Now I'm still unsettled and panicked because it will take a few weeks for the increased dose to kick in. So I'm stuck either relying on Xanax to calm down/ sleep in the evening, or struggle through and end up physically ill (vomit, etc).
When I write down the worries I have, i realized how they are silly and none sense, but I worry anyway. When I write out a plan, I feel pressure and panic.
I've been feeling trapped in my home, like i cant go anywhere or do anything but be home. I hate this, and need to heal, but I can't figure out how to stop worrying and fear the next panic or anxiety attack.

02-01-2013, 12:40 AM
Hi and welcome, fairly new myself. Thought hearing other people's stories would make me more anxious and maybe even lead to me having problems I didn't have before but it's reassuring to know your not alone. Anxiety is a very lonely thing. People who don't have it can't even comprehend it. That's why it's good to talk to others because they understand.