View Full Version : Travel Anxiety

06-04-2007, 10:31 PM
For as long as I can remember, I have always experienced travel anxiety the night before and the few days into a trip. It begins the night before when I desparately want to cancel my trip, no matter how fun it may be. Then there's the episodes during the first few days of any trip. The anxiety isn't a fear of flying or anything but these panic attacks I'll get that consist of a rapid rush of nervousness and uneasiness, and a yearning to escape wherever I am. I'll likely start crying and try to talk myself down until the next episode, and after a few days I'm usually fine as perhaps I have adjusted to wherever I am. People have told me that this is just homesickness, but it's more than that. Has anyone experienced this before? Any solutions? I am just tired of these anxiety attacks preventing me from traveling anywhere.

06-06-2007, 01:58 PM
YES!! i go on vaction every year.. and i always want to cancel. i feel trapped wating to go.. and i feel even more trapped in the car for 6 hours going far far away to new places. where people don't know me and can;t understand. i make myself go though, i tel myself i'll be okay and i'll have fun and i WONT get a a panic attack. and if i do, i'll only get scared and it'll be okay. i hope you feel better about traveling. i guess we'll see how it works out for me in 18 days.. heh. maybe try listening to relaxing cd's while traveling?

06-16-2007, 09:49 AM
oh man, i sure experiance variations on this one.

i end up feeling ill (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot) before every trip i take. hell, i can feel it just knowing im going out to a show or even to dinner with a friend...let alone before i go on vacation. sometimes it starts days before too, to further make me wonder if im actually getting ill and cant go away. but the truth is that its my anxiety messing with me, and not a virus/flu.

thankfully once i get there im usually ok, or at least settle in after an evening. but leading up to it? oh yes, i definitely have anxiety issues.