View Full Version : Extreme disassociation? Someone please help me?

01-31-2013, 07:19 PM
I'm had derealization episodes on and off for years, but a couple weeks ago I had an really extreme dissociative episode and it was even exactly derealization. I felt like my consciousness wasn't even connected to my personality/sense of self anymore, and I got completely hysterical and had a major panic attack.

Ever since then I haven't been able to stop second guessing everything around me. I feel unsure of my own mind and I feel like the fabric of the universe could fundamentally rearrange itself at any moment. I'm absolutely terrified most of the time, and I just feel so unsure that anything is real or that anything is as it appears. it's like I can't trust my own mind anymore. I can't even trust my own memories and expectations of what the universe will do. I just feel like I cant be sure of ANYTHING anymore, even my own sense of identity.

I'm so scared. Has anyone else experienced anything like this. Is any of this even real/am I real? I really need help and I don't know how to deal with this.

02-01-2013, 06:19 PM
I've got these feelings for years, I think?? Like I will be driving and think, WHAT IF I forget how to get home? Or what if I'm just sitting here staring into space and everything is going on around me, people are talking to me and I have no clue.... Really weird.. Scares the crap outa me!! Is that the kind of things you are talking about??

02-01-2013, 07:32 PM
Yeah, kind of. Its just like all of a sudden everything seems kind of off and disconnected from you. It's pretty bizarre.

02-01-2013, 08:21 PM
I believe what I was told to do in these times is find a way to bring yourself back into the "now"... Focus on things closer to you rather than the bigger picture.. Like .. Ok im sitting here on this chair, my feet are on the ground, I feel warm, cold, whatever... Although, not to sure that ever worked for me the greatest.. I dont know about you but usually when I get dissociated I almost always feel dizzy as well.. I HATE that feeling.. I dont know how this really works but it works!! If you are standing and get dizzy or dissociated stand on only one foot.. Somehow it seems to bring you back to you center or ground.. Sounds silly but ive done it a million times.. You can do it anywhere and no one will even notice.. If you are in public try even just putting all your weight on one foot/leg.. Seems strange but try it!! Another thing Ive heard that helps some people to "snap out of it" is to wear a rubber band on your wrist.. When you start to feel this way.. Give it a little snap! Its suppose to bring you back to the "now" by literally snapping you out of it.. Give these a try!! Trust me I know they seem silly but hey, whatever works right!!

02-01-2013, 09:23 PM
I will, thank you.

02-01-2013, 09:26 PM
Any time ;-)