View Full Version : Im losing it

01-31-2013, 04:42 PM
I think I'm actually going crazy my mind is all over the place what ifs and obessed thoughts and negitive thoughts don't know what to do fe like I'm losing touch either I think I'm dying of somthing or I'm going to end up with psychosis or some worse mental problem :( losing hope

01-31-2013, 04:55 PM
Hi Anthony, I dont think your losing it. If your properly going mental you wouldnt recognise you are. I've been told over and over that you can't really recognise yourself going crazy. Trust me, today I've had crazy thoughts and I've been winding myself up about losing my mind all day and now I've come home and relaxed I feel loads better. So what I would do is distract yourself from your own thoughts, video games help me alot.

01-31-2013, 06:32 PM
I also will imigan having conversations with people or my family in my head am I dullisional? Or ill imigan myself going crazy or talk to myself in my head in a nervous manor I don't think im right :(

02-01-2013, 02:23 AM
Well I think alot of people imagine having conversations with other people for all sorts of reasons. Talking to yourself in your head is called your inner voice, and I think alot of people do this too. Also I think just imagining yourself losing the plot is part of the anxiety. I would get some advice from a doctor just to put your mind at rest if you havent done so already.

Anyway if you were going crazy, like I said before you probably wouldnt realise it. It would be other people who notice it.

02-01-2013, 02:47 AM
I've heard that. Truly insane people never notice. It's the people around that do. People like us just worry ourself for nothing.

02-01-2013, 03:37 AM
I think I'm actually going crazy my mind is all over the place what ifs and obessed thoughts and negitive thoughts don't know what to do fe like I'm losing touch either I think I'm dying of somthing or I'm going to end up with psychosis or some worse mental problem :( losing hope

U need to excerise like hell and play a game on playstation or something that saved me

02-01-2013, 06:52 AM
When I first got anxiety, I felt like this too. Even though I had dealt with my fair share of mental health issues, nothing makes you feel quite as on the verge of insanity as my first, relentless round of panic and anxiety. I truly understand.

But the above posters are right. If you were losing it - really losing it - you wouldn't really know. You certainly wouldn't consider it. My grandma has dementia and it has been escalating over the past decade. Her first response to being told that she is actually losing her mind was: 'How dare that doctor say that to me! I'm fine!!!'

Anxiety and panic attacks will certainly not drive you insane. It may feel like they will, but physically and mentally over time all they will do is make you a stronger person as you learn to cope - we all do. Remind yourself in your darkest moments that this too shall pass and whilst it will change your perspective on life - you'll never take normal for granted again - it won't and can't drive you mad.

02-01-2013, 07:08 AM
I think I'm actually going crazy my mind is all over the place what ifs and obessed thoughts and negitive thoughts don't know what to do fe like I'm losing touch either I think I'm dying of somthing or I'm going to end up with psychosis or some worse mental problem :( losing hope

You can only officially say you've lost it when you start sticking pencils up your nose and wearing your pants on your head.

Until then... you're fine, albeit suffering with anxiety disorder.

02-01-2013, 11:21 AM
I've been feeling the same way lately my man, but everyone whos posted on here is right. I've heard it plenty of times that people who are actually crazy don't realize it. When you start getting these fears and the "what if this happens to me?" thoughts, just remember the fact that your questioning it actually assures your far from insane haha. Its all just anxiety.

02-01-2013, 12:07 PM
Hi Anthony, I dont think your losing it. If your properly going mental you wouldnt recognise you are. I've been told over and over that you can't really recognise yourself going crazy. Trust me, today I've had crazy thoughts and I've been winding myself up about losing my mind all day and now I've come home and relaxed I feel loads better. So what I would do is distract yourself from your own thoughts, video games help me alot.

What video games do u play

02-01-2013, 01:48 PM
You're fine bro. One of the many anxiety symptoms if thinking you're going crazy.

2 months into my anxiety disorder I though I was developing schizophrenia.

02-01-2013, 02:06 PM
The games I like to play are rpg's, mmo's and strategy all sorts really. The new star wars mmo is pretty and fairly social so it gives my mind something to concentrate on. I have found chess to be really good too.

02-01-2013, 08:14 PM
I like to think of it like this! I have a front row seat to my brain being afraid for no reason! I hate the feeling... I just lay back or cry and wait for it to pass... Cause we all know, when its gone, you really love being normal. More so then ever before. Normal almost feels to good to be true! Then you look at people and wonder how they dont feel what youre going through. thats why im so glad i found this app on my iphone! I so thought I was going crazy. But im not! You are thinking about how abnormal it is to have thoughts that you cant control. thats pretty normal. You just gotta get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do. You also gotta find things that work for you. I started saying a chant in my head and focusing on it really hard. (Theres no room for you, theres no room for you, This is my body and my mind and i will be happy!)