View Full Version : Seriously alone.

01-31-2013, 03:25 PM
This is kind of a rant:::::

I'm 23 and I seriously have no friends. I had friends in school when I was younger and even a close couple that I have kept in touch with but no it seem like I just have no body. I don't have anyone that I can reach out to when I need to talk or when I actually do feel like going out or doing something. I don't have anyone that I can really have conversations with other than my husband and my mom.. which isn't bad.. I can talk to them about anything... but I really have no one else. My contact list on my cell phone is seriously pathetic... 30 contacts maybe with half being businesses or doctors. I want someone that I can just talk to... Ugh.. I just feel so lost and alone all the time... I don't know..

01-31-2013, 05:28 PM
Well I have to disagree with forwells, friends are a great and cannot be overstated. The best thing about them is you can always make a friend.

All my friends I have made, I have made through common intrest (mainly music and computers) so if there is something your interested in maybe try and meet people around that. If there is nothing your interested in try and find something. Even doing voluntary work for a charity will help you meet people (with charity people your almost guaranteed that they will be sympathetic to problems)

Anyway my point is friends are a very good thing, but you have to make an effort to make them.

If you need to talk to someone about problems and life issues , forwells is right a councillor maybe the best person for the job.

02-01-2013, 12:49 PM
lol.. thanks... i guess

02-01-2013, 01:11 PM
lol.. thanks... i guess

I'm your friend you could talk to me whenever you want :)

02-01-2013, 05:17 PM
Hey there. I think we all think, on some level, that we just have friends without doing much active to get them. That they just miraculously appear. They don't. You have to work at making friends and at keeping them. You have to go out there and find them. How? Work. Playing a sport. Getting a dog and meeting other dog people. Join groups of some kind. Join a health club. Take a class. Get involved with something, maybe a political campaign.

02-01-2013, 05:18 PM
lol.. thanks... i guess

Wow do I know how you feel!!! Pretty crappy ha..lol This stupid disease takes away sooo much... I have my son and my bf... That's pretty much it.. I love them and and glad to have them but it would be nice to have a friend or two... But then I think to myself, if I had a friend like me (who never could do anything because of anxiety) why would I ever call them when I knew they would most likely say no to doing anything ever... But for us is suck!! Hey I still like to get an invite just to know that someone is even thinking of still wanting me around.. ugh.. It seems to me like a big circle... I have anxiety and agoraphobia so I've lost alot of friends.. Even family doesn't invite me to things anymore.. So in order to get over it we are told to try and reconnect with friends and do things... Ok great!! but who?? Cuz now there is pretty much no one... And like you said when we do feel good enough to want to go out and do something, what do we do? With who? If you are like me that makes me pissed and then I just say screw it all together and don't go anywhere just because now I don't have anyone to go with or don't know what to do... ugh...

02-01-2013, 05:27 PM
A therapist isn't a great long term solution, but a therapist can help you make new social connections which is a good long term solution. A therapist can help you make a plan for creating new relationships, discuss the pros and cons of different social situations, and role play potential social interactions. Good luck.