View Full Version : Feeling weak & achy. Sertraline?

01-31-2013, 11:32 AM
For the past few days I've been feeling really weak & achy all over as well as my usual anxiety symptoms. I'm wondering if it's a side effect of my medication or just because I've been feeling so bad lately.

01-31-2013, 04:52 PM
When I took Prozac, it made me feel the same way. I couldn't even move my neck I was so sore. It started to go at around the 6 week mark. I think part of it, is anxiety is so addicted to any kind of stimulus, that by taking medicine, whether we realize it or not, our body is on such high alert to it, that it ramps up all kinds of stress and tension that was already bad to begin with. It's really hard to know what are symptoms of added anxiety, from start up, and what are side effects. To answer your question, I'm convinced it is a bit of both! Perhaps around the 6-8 week mark, if you aren't feeling any better, look into it further, but usually by then, the med has had time to do it's work, and anxiety, and those annoying symptoms, are usually lowered. :)

By the way, off topic - is Temperance your actual name? If so, I love it, it sounds like something you'd find in Victorian London :D

Be well...

01-31-2013, 04:56 PM
Thank you for your response. I've been on the medication for 4 weeks now & I'm due for another check up in 2 weeks time.
It's just another thing that's bothering me as well as my symptoms. Never easy is it?! Haha.

No, my name isn't actually Temperance. I wish. It's Helen.
Temperance Brennan is a character from a set of books & a TV show called Bones.

01-31-2013, 05:05 PM
Nice to meet you Helen. It's not as glamorous as Temperance, but I can't imagine you'd fit in much around W.Yorkshire with a name like that anyway :p

How are you finding things after 4 weeks? Doctors usually say after 4 weeks you usually begin to see some changes. I guess sometimes it's hard to compare with anxiety though, right! It's like somebody putting you in water that's 100 degrees hot, and then 70 degrees hot, and asking you to tell the difference... all you know is that it's HOT!

I never watched Bones - Saw the trailers a few times on tv though, it's the show with David Borianez in, right?

01-31-2013, 05:18 PM
Not sure if I'm feeling any better. I've not managed a full week at work this month & been in for 2 half days in the last 2 weeks :/ I just want to see some changes soon.
Are you on medication?

Yeah that's the one. I love her character.

01-31-2013, 05:31 PM
I think it's really something that you can even make it into work at all, when I was in your position, I was off for so long, getting beaten up by all my symptoms, and side effects for medication. I really hope you see some changes soon. I guess that's whats annoying about SSRI drugs - they can take a while to get going. I lost my patience with them in the end, and went to try Mirtazapine. It was like a sedative, and got working in 2 days haha!

Therapy and medication are an effective combo when they get rolling together.

But now I'm not on medication. I have a few annoying symptoms left over, that occur now and again, but I like to think of myself as being in the back end of recovery. I just like to come back occasionally, to see how the old faces I went through my experience with are now doing. :) Also to show people it does get easier!

But I get a lot back from it too, for instance - this conversation has now given me a new TV show to check out :)

Are you planning on going to work tomorrow?