View Full Version : Acupuncture

Other Side
01-31-2013, 09:04 AM
Hi everyone

Just wondering if anyone has any experiences of acupuncture for anxiety? I'm a long term sufferer and have recently suffered quite a bad episode which has inspired me to get myself sorted out once and for all after years of trying various things half heartedly without getting to the crux of the matter.

Anyway, amongst other things, this morning I went for my second acupunture appointment. After the first, I felt great for 3-4 hours, before the bad feelings crept back in. The acupunturist today said that he would try and 'clear a blockage' to stop this happening again for future treatments.

I feel so much better. A bit groggy i'll admit, but overall a massive improvement on where I was yesterday. Am booked in for another session on Tuesday and i'm looking forward to it already.

Its not the cheapest thing in the world, but will gladly pay any sum of money to be free from this horrible disorder.

Anyone else had any experiences they'd like to share?
