View Full Version : Its only gotten worse

01-31-2013, 02:00 AM
I'm laying in bed right now with tears streaming down my cheeks for no apparent reason. They just start flowing...I am so over whelmed with depression and anxiety I don't even know where to begin. Surely this isn't what life is about...does it get better?

01-31-2013, 02:08 AM
I'm laying in bed right now with tears streaming down my cheeks for no apparent reason. They just start flowing...I am so over whelmed with depression and anxiety I don't even know where to begin. Surely this isn't what life is about...does it get better?

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I do this all the time. It does get better you just have to work through it. Ive been dealing with intense anxiety for about 2 months now, im on medication, that i take when i feel anxious & i am going to start therapy soon. I found getting out of the house helps my anxiety a lot, just taking your mind off of it. There is also relaxing exercises that have yet to work for me, but they have worked for some people on here. Anxiety is so hard to get through, but it is possible. You can try vitamins, changing up your diet, exercising. These have worked for some people. What symptoms are you experiencing?

01-31-2013, 02:10 AM
I have done this so many times. Getting out of the house helps me alot too. The only problem is once I get home and still it comes right back. Sometimes I still feel weird or doomed when I'm doing something, but it definitely takes a big edge off.

01-31-2013, 02:15 AM
I have done this so many times. Getting out of the house helps me alot too. The only problem is once I get home and still it comes right back. Sometimes I still feel weird or doomed when I'm doing something, but it definitely takes a big edge off.

Yes!!! Whenever im home i am the most anxious. I can be out & be fine! But the minute im home my anxiety is crazy. If im home during the day im okay, i'll feel physical symptoms, like being sore & stuff, but once the night hits & im home, thats when all the mental stuff hits.

01-31-2013, 02:16 AM
I just feel like life is completely hopeless at this point. My depression started five years ago and has only gotten worse. I am 26 years old...I used to live a totally normal happy fulfilling life until the thing that went wrong in my life happened...since then life has been a living hell. My mind is like living in a hell. I haven't left the comfort of my home in over a year. The FEW times I've had no choice but to go somewhere...I panicked the entire time. I hate grocery stores or being around crowds...tonight I had to go to CVS to buy a case of water...to my relief there was nobody else in line...I cautiously put my merchandise up and before I know it there's a huge line of people behind me...staring...waiting...before I know it I'm dying inside, my face is fire red, sweating...and just wanting to get the hell out of there. My sleep schedule is completely screwed...I'm up all night every night...I don't go to bed until about 5am and get up at 1pm...I feel no happiness whatsoever in the things I used to love...I can't bring myself to do anything except sit and waste away..:(

01-31-2013, 02:22 AM
Trust me we know where you are coming from on this site. I am sittin here typing at 3:18 a.m. in my time zone. I slept one single hour last night and STILL do not feel like I can sleep yet. This makes like 23 hours I have been up straight. Luckily for me I don't really have social anxiety. I can go and do things, although I have cried in grocery stores. Not because of the situation, just because the feeling won't leave me alone and I finally break down. Mine is completely about my health, which is fine, but hard to convince myself of. The only other thing I experience anxiety from is at work I always felt like I wasn't good enough, and I worry about what people think of me in public. I'm self conscious.

01-31-2013, 12:33 PM
I just feel like life is completely hopeless at this point. My depression started five years ago and has only gotten worse. I am 26 years old...I used to live a totally normal happy fulfilling life until the thing that went wrong in my life happened...since then life has been a living hell. My mind is like living in a hell. I haven't left the comfort of my home in over a year. The FEW times I've had no choice but to go somewhere...I panicked the entire time. I hate grocery stores or being around crowds...tonight I had to go to CVS to buy a case of water...to my relief there was nobody else in line...I cautiously put my merchandise up and before I know it there's a huge line of people behind me...staring...waiting...before I know it I'm dying inside, my face is fire red, sweating...and just wanting to get the hell out of there. My sleep schedule is completely screwed...I'm up all night every night...I don't go to bed until about 5am and get up at 1pm...I feel no happiness whatsoever in the things I used to love...I can't bring myself to do anything except sit and waste away..:(

Sorry about how you are feeling, I feel the exact same way. I hate googling but if you Google "depression" you will see every symptoms you just described. I've had bad anxiety/depression for over ten years, and these last two years have been the worse. I'm on 200mg of Zoloft a day and 2mg of ativan as needed. In my opinion the Zoloft is not working anymore.

So just keep in mind that what you are going through is simply anxiety/depression. I know it's overwhelming but stay strong and positive.. good luck good you feel better soon.

01-31-2013, 01:05 PM
It may be your medication, or lack thereof.

When I tried to switch over the a medication called Viibryrd I couldn't stop crying all day. Which was confusing as hell to me because I hadn't cried for 2 years.

01-31-2013, 01:25 PM
It may be your medication, or lack thereof.

When I tried to switch over the a medication called Viibryrd I couldn't stop crying all day. Which was confusing as hell to me because I hadn't cried for 2 years.

Is "viibryrd" a tear inducing medication for people that have no tears? Lol. Cause if it is it really worked on you since you hadn't cried in 2 years.

01-31-2013, 02:43 PM
I don't take any medications at all. I'm even afraid to go to the doctor. I would just clam up when asked how I'm feeling. I don't know if I could honestly admit it. I've thought of writing it down on paper and handing it over....dunno if I doctor would go for that..

Andrew Marino
02-01-2013, 01:03 AM
Actually talking to people has helped me alot...when i used to panic and go to the hospitals, shockingly talking to the doctors and nurses relaxed me greatly...then they were like you seem fine all of a sudden...but they still have to run all the damn tests on ya...but i feel alot better after talking to people during panic....my wife doesn't have this issue at all and its hard to talk to her about it because she simply doesn't understand what we all go through. I was told that people who have anxiety disorder are actually available to being smarter than average due to the fact that IF they can control their anxiety they have the power to control their bodies actions and functions better. I have learned since having anxiety I can actually control the speed of my heart now, which comes in handy during a panic attack......if you have any issues just message me and we can talk because im still on that same road as you but im trying to push through it.

02-01-2013, 02:48 AM
I was same about the doctor but went with a friends and she did the talk for me it was great feel to I was do in alone