View Full Version : Excersise

01-31-2013, 01:53 AM
Well I decided to go back to my excersise Clara lastnight and have to say I nearly backed out I had to force myself to go see my anxiety is a lot of heart related I have palps and sometimes feel like my heart is stopping beating and there is something wrong but I managed to do an hour high energy without any pains ,passing out or anything just the off palp which I get whilst sitting so nothing new there but it just proved to me my heart is ok otherwise I wouldn't have got through the hour surely would I ???

01-31-2013, 01:57 AM
Well I decided to go back to my excersise Clara lastnight and have to say I nearly backed out I had to force myself to go see my anxiety is a lot of heart related I have palps and sometimes feel like my heart is stopping beating and there is something wrong but I managed to do an hour high energy without any pains ,passing out or anything just the off palp which I get whilst sitting so nothing new there but it just proved to me my heart is ok otherwise I wouldn't have got through the hour surely would I ???

EXACTLY!! well done... keep it up.

You should gain proof & knowing which will eventually make you feel good & at ease with your health.

Health is s major anxiety for all of us... so exercise helps eliminate that aspect.

01-31-2013, 02:00 AM
I doubt it. I think you are fine, especially if you've been checked out. I have been and still get my episodes when I doubt, but I'm trying hard to stop. I just wish I could sleep!

Not long ago I went to the gym and got on a bike machine that reads your heart rate. I got mine up to around 170 and after a few minutes it had slowed back down. Gave me a lot of confidence.

01-31-2013, 02:10 AM
Yes!!!! If you got through it you are more than likely fine. Good for you!!!!

01-31-2013, 03:30 AM
Thanks guys sometimes its all about reassurance to help pull you out of the anxious feeling

01-31-2013, 03:37 AM
Thanks guys sometimes its all about reassurance to help pull you out of the anxious feeling

Indeed it is. Seriously - well done.
This is the kind of bravery & self pushing that gets you somewhere. Not sitting & whinging about it everyday.

02-03-2013, 02:21 PM
I'm still terrified to excercise. Today I am weepy and still after months overly concerned with my heart. Along with deep breath thing. Almost like I need to sigh co stanly but can't reach that satisfying breath. Then I worry I can't breath etc. I just know I need to do something like this to prove to myself I'm ok and even though I get palps ill still live? I'm convinced I've damaged my heart partying or something. I've also decided to give up the booze and cigs this is a major contributer to my outlook. Ill need the support!

02-03-2013, 02:53 PM
Hun you just have to go for it! It ha taken me about 4 months to be able to feel comfortable working out again but it is so worth it. Start with light yoga& tai chi then make your way up to normal workouts again. You CAN do this. Promise!

02-03-2013, 03:13 PM
I read shit about people my age having strokes etc. I think is this the prelude for me? Months of palps and I'm still coping with all the things that make them worse. What's wrong with me. Am I flippin insane? I should just be able to say life is more important than our vices. Right now I'm just so down and every time I look at my beautiful son I start crying cuz I failed him cuz I'm convinced I'm not going to live to see him grow up.

02-03-2013, 03:28 PM
If you need to talk privately feel free to message me or whatever you need.
1) Your first major problem is this "I failed" you didn't fail! Let it go. We all have issues we just have a very disturbing and freaking annoying one. But by no means have you failed. So many people kill themselves over this BUT we are still here.
2) If you have gone to the hospital and they have told you that you are fine then LET IT GO. If you have a stroke guess what? You have a stroke. Worrying is actually making your risk of that higher via inflammation and stress.
3) Life happens, worrying about what may happen will only make you even more miserable if something does happen.
4) You will be fine, you're not insane.

02-03-2013, 05:16 PM
First, most young people who have strokes usually have either:

- a serious health condition...if that was the case, you'd probably already have suffered some type of angina, but honestly, palps can happen and not be anything serious.


-Extremely high blood pressure and/or cholesterol.

It is good that you have decided to stop smoking. To ease your mind, maybe you can go to your doc for a basic workup, if you haven't had one recently. Have your BP checked, do some bloodwork done, check your cholesterol, have an ekg done. That will kind of clear your mind as to whether you are really ok to exercise and if your heart is healthy. If its just palps you've had and no real chest pain, I bet you are ok . The medical workup will just put your mind at ease.
I used to get palps sometimes and it really worried me. I went to the doc and got a full workup, even a cardiac stress test. The results were good, my heart is healthy, so it kind of put my mind at ease.

02-03-2013, 06:30 PM
Thank you. I just feel like lately I'm struggling to take a deep breath. And I've been stressed snd been drinking too much. I know it's bad for my anxiety. I just feel that I've done some sort of severe damage to myself and heart. I get racing heart rate when I drink. Which in sure is normal but it all leads me to more heart fear. I don't wanna die at 31 because I endulged too much. I'm stopping it all! It'll be hard but I'm determined.