View Full Version : Health Anxiety

01-30-2013, 06:35 PM
I've been dealing with health anxiety for quite a while now, but it has started to get better. My anxiety was over cancer mainly.

I noticed two new moles on my scalp this summer and talked to a doctor about it. She told me it was from the sun and not to worry because it looked perfectly fine. I went to another doctor later on and asked her about it as well and she said not to worry. Now I do have dermatitis on my scalp, which has caused like flaking and some bumps on my head. Recently, I have noticed like crusting right next to my mole and then the flaking like I get all over my head surrounding the mole. Do you think this sounds like my dermatitis, or do you think I should get this checked out by a dermatologist? I know that is a big red flag for possible skin cancer, but I thought I'd get an opinion or two before I work myself up.

Thanks for the advice in advance!

01-30-2013, 07:20 PM
The best thing to do is see a doctor, don't wait until you start getting more anxiety.