View Full Version : Hello everyone :)

01-30-2013, 04:32 PM

So if you don't already know I had an MRI scan of the brain and neck. 13 days ago! I still haven't got my results back yet but the consultant has sent the report to my doctor and the doctor will ring me when he's finished looking at them, tomorrow! Does this mean there isn't anything seriously wrong if its taken this long and the consultant didn't ring me first hand? I'm just getting very anxious about finding out the results!

01-30-2013, 05:26 PM
Yes, I highly doubt nothing is wrong. There is NO way that they would of found something bad and not called you back by now. Absolutly no way. If there was something wrong, they would of called you back the same day or the next day....they would of called you in for an appt for sure.

Please don't worry....