View Full Version : Feel lost and confused

01-30-2013, 11:52 AM
I don't even know what to do anymore. Everyday I wake up and all day I think about my anxiety, I can't focus in class, when I'm out all I want to do is come home, I have no motivation to do anything anymore, everytime I go out all I can think about is how things dont feel real and how I just want to feel normal again. I feel like my mind always finds something to worry about, even if its the dumbest little thing. I feel like I'm going insane I refuse to take meds, but if anyone can spare some advice on what I can do it would be much appreciated.

01-30-2013, 11:57 AM
It's probably not what you want to hear but, go to your doctor. Meds suck but once they're in your system the anxiety will lapse and you'd have a easier time figuring out the cause of it. Anxiety and depression will only get better if you're willing to take chances.

01-30-2013, 12:17 PM
It's probably not what you want to hear but, go to your doctor. Meds suck but once they're in your system the anxiety will lapse and you'd have a easier time figuring out the cause of it. Anxiety and depression will only get better if you're willing to take chances.

I honestly think I might have to consider that seeing as its only be getting worse lately, I'm actually feeling really depressed today and its a horrible feeling along with the anxiety, thank you.

01-30-2013, 12:28 PM
No problem, that's what this forum is for. As for feeling depressed, know that it will get better. You're stronger than this illness, we all are here and getting help is the first step. :)

01-30-2013, 12:52 PM
I honestly think I might have to consider that seeing as its only be getting worse lately, I'm actually feeling really depressed today and its a horrible feeling along with the anxiety, thank you.

People don't want to take meds because they don't want to believe they have a mental illness, they don't want to have to rely on a little stupid pill.

These were my thoughts in the beginning of my anxiety/depression 11 years ago, but it got so overwhelming that I would had tried anything. The meds are their to get you out of that hole your mind keeps digging you into. Once your out of the hole your mind is more focus and then you could see what other non medical options are out there. Stay strong and positive.

01-30-2013, 04:10 PM
Your anxiety sounds moderate if you haven't BEGGED for medication yet! Hang in there. I have been on a series of medication. Death seemed like a better option than the anxiety, fear and helplessness I would feel. I'm not a fan of Antidepressants but i believe they have helped many people. I had very adverse side effects to the AD, and it worsened my condition. They also take 3 - 4 weeks to even work. The best relief is unfortunately a very addictive one, your GP may prescribe you a "benzo" or "tranquilizer". I find they are the best. But becareful, VERY ADDICTIVE!! Try seeing a therapist as well. I tend to feel a "relief" after a session. Good luck.

01-31-2013, 12:12 PM
Your anxiety sounds moderate if you haven't BEGGED for medication yet! Hang in there. I have been on a series of medication. Death seemed like a better option than the anxiety, fear and helplessness I would feel. I'm not a fan of Antidepressants but i believe they have helped many people. I had very adverse side effects to the AD, and it worsened my condition. They also take 3 - 4 weeks to even work. The best relief is unfortunately a very addictive one, your GP may prescribe you a "benzo" or "tranquilizer". I find they are the best. But becareful, VERY ADDICTIVE!! Try seeing a therapist as well. I tend to feel a "relief" after a session. Good luck.

It was moderate but its just beginning to worsen :\ but thank you. Sometimes I see it that way, but I also feel one of the reasons I haven't asked for medicine is because I'm terrified of it hah. Nevertheless thanks for the advice (:

01-31-2013, 01:28 PM
Drugs or no drugs its about taking control back of your life .

The wrong drug will make things worse yes but the worse is really no more than what you are going though .

The right drug will get you out of a hole that you are in and then you can start too heal .

Yes drugs are scary but lets face it you dont want to live with this shit forever and as someone said above you have to have a bit of faith and brake the circle .

^I agree with forwells :)