View Full Version : Finally starting counselling

01-30-2013, 09:09 AM
I got a call today & have had 6 face to face counselling appointments arranged, starting next week.
It's not CBT, although I am still on the waiting list for that. It's more discussion counselling trying to find out why this started, so I can hopefully learn to deal with whatever kicked it off.
I'm really excited to start because it's been a long time coming & I want to get better more than anything!

01-30-2013, 09:28 AM
Personally, I found NHS counselling a load'a rubbish - but you may get a good one.

The old lady, although lovely, simply didn't have what it takes to help battle the complexity & power of anxiety disorder.

You will probably be told to try the TENSE/RELAX method, where you typically lay flat on your back and tense then relax each set of muscles in turn, with
the aim of feeling relaxed after.
I just felt a twit laying on the dusty floor & it didn't really help.

CBT rocked, however. I was fortunate to see someone who had a real passion for curing.

01-30-2013, 09:42 AM
Aw good luck Helen :) I had a about 3 sessions of councillor with some old lady, I generally just bawled my eyes out and ended up skipping a session and stopped going as felt humiliated lol

01-30-2013, 09:48 AM
It's not through NHS, it's through my works health management company. It's paid for by the company that I work for, which is why it's limited to 6 sessions. But they did say that I can continue with the sessions & cover the costs myself if I feel the need to after the 6 sessions are up.

01-30-2013, 09:56 AM
It's not through NHS, it's through my works health management company. It's paid for by the company that I work for, which is why it's limited to 6 sessions. But they did say that I can continue with the sessions & cover the costs myself if I feel the need to after the 6 sessions are up.

Ah, well it should be better than NHS then.

You're not with PruHEALTH, are you?

As I've said before; CBT typically costs £75 per session - money WELL worth spending even if it's on a credit card!

01-30-2013, 11:31 AM
Ah, well it should be better than NHS then.

You're not with PruHEALTH, are you?

As I've said before; CBT typically costs £75 per session - money WELL worth spending even if it's on a credit card!

I'm not with any health insurance. Because the company I work for is very large, they have to have certain things in place to show that they do whatever necessary to help their employees. So I'm seeing a licensed therapist for 6 50min sessions. Then I'll start on CBT a few weeks later.
I understand where you're coming from saying that it's worth it to pay £75 a session, but I can't get a credit card (my dad managed to screw up my credit history a while back) & I don't have £150 a week to spare. I don't earn enough for that.
I think the place I'm going to is reputable & it's used all over West Yorkshire.

01-30-2013, 11:44 AM
Exciting!! :D

01-30-2013, 12:20 PM
That's great news! :)

You definitely seem to have the will power and desire to overcome this, which is more important than actually doing any concealing or steps itself in my opinion.

It was my desire and determination to overcome my anxiety that got me to overcome it.
I believe that if you want it bad enough, and you start to believe and then truly believe you will get better, and overcome this. That you WILL overcome this, no matter what type of therapy, techniques or other healing you do.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest this to be true as well. Such as people being healed by placebo (sugar) pills.

01-30-2013, 05:32 PM
Thanks. I really want to overcome this. At the moment, it's in the way of me moving cities.
I'm willing to do anything

01-31-2013, 06:46 AM
That's great news! :)

You definitely seem to have the will power and desire to overcome this, which is more important than actually doing any concealing or steps itself in my opinion.

It was my desire and determination to overcome my anxiety that got me to overcome it.
I believe that if you want it bad enough, and you start to believe and then truly believe you will get better, and overcome this. That you WILL overcome this, no matter what type of therapy, techniques or other healing you do.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest this to be true as well. Such as people being healed by placebo (sugar) pills.

You say all that... but it took you 18 years! lol

01-31-2013, 02:04 PM
You say all that... but it took you 18 years! lol

It took me 4 months (2 months research, 2 months application)
I lived with anxiety for 18 years.

It wasn't until a suicide attempt until my desire was where it needed to be... I've always wanted to overcome my anxiety, but I've NEVER believed I could, until that period of time, when i needed to, and needed to believe I could..

Are you done taking shots at me yet...?
You are about twice my age... ACT IT!

01-31-2013, 02:05 PM
Thanks. I really want to overcome this. At the moment, it's in the way of me moving cities.
I'm willing to do anything

I believe you will :)
Keep me updated with everything, i'd love to know how everything goes!

01-31-2013, 03:15 PM
full again

01-31-2013, 03:25 PM
Deleted some

02-03-2013, 03:08 PM
Great news! I hope the counselling helps! Its worth paying the money, if you know what you want out of your therapy..I hope it goes well x