View Full Version : Anxiety of getting anxiety attack

01-30-2013, 02:38 AM
I'm pretty tired this morning which I know can trigger an attack so now I am anxious about getting one. Took half a Xanax but heart still going crazy. In work so have ti pretend im fine. And I'm tired because of this job.

I'm so sick of this no-one knows how b!oody hard this is.

01-30-2013, 07:31 AM
Totally been there. Panic over maybe having a panic attack. Ridiculous isn't it?

01-30-2013, 07:31 AM
I'm with you, the old fear of fear.

This is a tricky one, I think we all go through this at some point.

The way to beat this sensation is to stop fearing the anxiety, easier said than done I know.

Basically you have to realize that anxiety and panic attacks cannot and will not hurt you, so you must develop a mindset of "so what if I panic? So what if I get anxious? It's not gonna hurt me" it takes time, but it's really the way, once you do not fear the anxiety it can no longer control you.

Next time your going to panic start talking tough, I know it sounds dumb but try it. Get that "street fighter" attitude. Anxiety is the enemy, stand up to it don't cower away. Again I know this sounds dumb, and it's hard to do but if you want to get over this, especially the fear of fear that you're having now you must get past the fear and realize that anxiety is a sensation and nothing more.

01-30-2013, 07:42 AM
I'm with you, the old fear of fear.

This is a tricky one, I think we all go through this at some point.

The way to beat this sensation is to stop fearing the anxiety, easier said than done I know.

Basically you have to realize that anxiety and panic attacks cannot and will not hurt you, so you must develop a mindset of "so what if I panic? So what if I get anxious? It's not gonna hurt me" it takes time, but it's really the way, once you do not fear the anxiety it can no longer control you.

Next time your going to panic start talking tough, I know it sounds dumb but try it. Get that "street fighter" attitude. Anxiety is the enemy, stand up to it don't cower away. Again I know this sounds dumb, and it's hard to do but if you want to get over this, especially the fear of fear that you're having now you must get past the fear and realize that anxiety is a sensation and nothing more.

It works. Been doing this for a while now and it does quiet them down and I can even keep some from even happening at all now.

01-30-2013, 08:12 AM
Will def try this. I do try and stay strong but it's more how I feel afterwards that I get anxious about.

The initial part of the attacks themselves I just accept had them on and off for years. It's actually more how I feel after them I dread. Can barely get out of bed for days I think coz my anxiety makes me get tired so easily these days. Even trying to push myself to get up and just carry on makes me so upset that I have another attack.

I will try use this attitude. Thanks so much.

01-30-2013, 08:41 AM
I know how you feel I worry about getting another attack which actually fuels my anxiety I feel nervous a lot of the time and my mind is in over drive I think if I didn't get actual physical symptoms if be able to brush the rest off

01-30-2013, 09:43 AM
I get that way too- especially when I drive ugh. The weird disconnected feeling and head swimming sucks!

01-31-2013, 03:36 AM
So was working crazy yesterday and am pretty tired & stressed which is usually a trigger but not being scared. If I get an attack will get through it. Not going to let this mfkr get me.

01-31-2013, 04:41 AM
Had a Panic attack today was a doozy So I've been tired all day ready for bed its 945pm here and although Im tired and spacey all day Im also really wired Im real sick on the guts and my back and shoulders are aching more than usual Big panic attacks do play havoc on you afterwards!

01-31-2013, 06:04 AM
You poor thing I know how tough it is just try and rest. It's the only way the body recovers. Peppermint is brilliant for the sick feeling. Hope u feel better soon