View Full Version : Klonopin and effexor

01-29-2013, 09:02 PM
Any comments about these two medications? My therapist started me on them today. My regular dr had me on Wellbutrin and Xanax when needed. I was told today that Wellbutrin is not made for someone with anxiety. I'm nervous about starting yet another round of medication. Has this worked for anyone else?

01-29-2013, 09:44 PM
Effexor did nothing for me. I noticed no change. But everyone's different; I've heard about good results from it from people I know!

01-30-2013, 12:25 AM
Effexor worked an absolute treat for me for two years - but I had horrible, crazy sweating as a side effect. Mind you, it did work so well I stuck with it for a long time in spite of this.

01-30-2013, 07:43 AM
Any comments about these two medications? My therapist started me on them today. My regular dr had me on Wellbutrin and Xanax when needed. I was told today that Wellbutrin is not made for someone with anxiety. I'm nervous about starting yet another round of medication. Has this worked for anyone else?

I take klonopan and love it. It's very fast acting. I have tried xannax before and it took to long to start working.

01-31-2013, 06:40 AM
I've been on Klonapin for over a year, Take .5mg 3x/day. It definitely helps control the anxiety. Makes you feel a little "high" sometimes but in a good way, like relaxed and happy. I haven't taken Effexor.

01-31-2013, 01:00 PM
I've been on Klonapin for over a year, Take .5mg 3x/day. It definitely helps control the anxiety. Makes you feel a little "high" sometimes but in a good way, like relaxed and happy. I haven't taken Effexor.

Ditto. Klonopin has practically erased like 75% of my anxiety. I'm on Lexapro which may be like Effexor. Not all my depression and anxiety is gone but it's tons better.