View Full Version : Losing it.

01-29-2013, 08:41 PM
I hate to sound like a whiner. I have been doing pretty good these last few weeks and all the sudden I have these thoughts questioning whether it is just anxiety or not again. Back to that?! It is becoming too much for me I feel like I'm going to lose it. I don't even have racing thoughts now I'm to the point I just don't know what TO think. I have this feeling that keeps telling me something is seriously wrong and I'm being an idiot for not getting it checked out. But every test was normal and the doc is tired of seeing me, and money is getting short because of going so much. It didn't help that the same neurologist that told me months ago that I was fine ALSO told my sister the same thing a few months later and she now is scheduled for surgery after them finding something in her MRI. It was minor, but the fact that she brushed her off as well just sets my mind off like crazy. I feel stuck in this moment, I have no idea what to do or say and I just feel this overwhelming feeling of doom/frustration. The frustration comes from the fact that no matter what I do and the exercises I follow it just doesn't let up. I feel like I will go insane literally. I think rationally about everything except health. I'm doing my best to not talk to family at all because I'm done arguing with them. Already argued with the girlfriend tonight because she is dealing with college stress and I guess it is just too much. I can't go to the hospital, I know I don't even need to because how do you even explain this problem? I'm at the end of my wits I feel.

01-29-2013, 09:44 PM
I feel your pain. :-(

01-29-2013, 10:55 PM
Anxiety/depression are doing a number on you right now. I truly feel your pain. Are you on any meds?