View Full Version : Don't feel real.

01-29-2013, 03:14 PM
I was wondering around the house earlier trying to figure out what to do. And then all of a sudden I realized I felt foggy and distant. Trying to figure what to do with myself. Than I just started to feel like I was in a dream. Now I have a headache and I feel like I am not controlling myself rather just watching myself act like myself, if that makes any sense. Now my anxiety is starting to kick in. Anyone else feel this way?

01-29-2013, 03:26 PM
Your not alone I feel like that now, been holding the ps3 remote for like 10 min then I'm like wtf! Am I going to play or what!!! So ya I get you Frank. Good times huh? Lol

01-29-2013, 05:31 PM
Ya I'm feeling better just weird how it comes and go's like that. Thanks for the reply Saldav.

01-29-2013, 08:41 PM
Your not alone hun! I'm trying to cope with this shit as best I can but sometimes I just feel I can't do it anymore :(

01-29-2013, 09:48 PM
Hi, I also feel that way right now to be honest!! It's a cruel thing to deal with and i feel your pain!! Beverley

01-30-2013, 12:47 AM
I took this from my book, If you work it into the situation you're going through. I'm sure it could be very beneficial for you!

Forget This

This technique originally changed from its profanity title of f*** this S*** (which is more powerful, yet not appropriate for everybody reading this). Is literally what it says: forget this!
It is used whenever anxiety, depression or any other negative mental thoughts or feelings come along.
Simply stop what you are doing, and do something else!
The technique is all about refusing to go through these emotions or feelings.
When they come about, simply yourself, forget this, stop what you are doing, and do something else.

This technique can be applied anywhere possible, however it may get you in some trouble if you are being forced to do something such as a presentation in school or a conference call at work.
That is why it is important to set your life up for success, and not failure, by following your dream and not other people’s expectations.

If you are able to stop what you are doing, here is what you can do to stop going through these emotions, and start going through something positive.

1. Stop what you are doing
2. Recognize what you are feeling, and why you are feeling that way
3. Write down things that you can do right now to make you feel positive, happy, loved or anything else you want to feel.
4. Organize this list in order of which you can or want to do first to last.
5. Work your way through this list; ignoring the whole time the thing you just walked away from (you can always go back to it later or another day!)
Have all your thoughts focused on relaxing and enjoying the thing you have chosen to do.
6. Once you feel so much better, decide on whether or not you are willing and able to go back to doing what you were doing before.
If you can, and want to; go and finish what you were doing before, stopping to re-do another list of relaxing fun things if and when needed.
7. If you don’t need to do the thing you were doing before, and you don’t want to do it, simply don’t do it!

To make this effective if you are at work or school:
Instead of making a list of things that are unrelated to work or school, make a list of other office tasks you want to do or classwork you need to complete, even for a different subject.
You can always return to this later, after all, each thing you are assigned needs to be completed at some point, so doing another right now, when other people are doing the one currently assigned is not important, as long as you eventually get around to completing this task in a timely manor.

Some things you can generally do to have fun, relax and enjoy the moment are the following:
• Go on a walk
• Eat
• Cook
• Read
• Exercise
• Go on a drive
• Go to a movie
• Watch TV
• Hot shower or bath
• Take a nap
• Meditate
• Sing
• Dance
• Laugh
• Listen to music
• Do your hobby
• Call a friend
• Go out with friends
• Go to the bar or club
• Do a puzzle
• Write something
• Go to the park
• Look at funny videos online
• House shop luxury houses online
• Go shopping
• Punch a punching bag or sit on top of a pillow or cushion and hulk smash it
• Play a practical joke
• Help somebody
• Make somebody’s day
• Go to church
• Pray

By simply stopping what it is that’s causing you anxiety, you stop anxiety. When you step away from the situation, you can build another emotion through doing something you love to do. You can also be productive and work on something else that needs to be done, instead of the thing that is causing you anxiety.
When you are experiencing anxiety, you make a lot of mistakes and your work is no way near as good as work you would produce with a positive mental attitude.
When you step away from your anxiety, you have the opportunity to put yourself in a positive mental attitude, so if and when you decide to return to the task, you will go through it with confidence and ease. Giving you a much better quality of work, with much fewer errors.

01-30-2013, 02:31 AM
Such an expert remember all people are different! We're on here because we're suffering!

01-30-2013, 07:38 AM
He is only giving great tips to us. I don't believe he is being offensive. Maybe you won't or can't use them but others may. Like you said everyone is different.

01-30-2013, 10:12 AM
Thank you "Sandyrdh1" I really appreciate you standing up for me.

Yes, I am simply trying to help out. I don't have all the answers, and no I don't know specifically if anything I have to offer will help out anybody in particular.
But "Evil will prevail when good men do nothing".

But I must ask... Why are you so upset with all of my posts "Scared44"?

I have taken my own personal time to write each and every one of these posts, it took me months to write the website and book...
And I'm not making a single penny from it!

I can't speak for everybody with anxiety or suffering, but neither can you. So please respect that I all I am doing is trying to help people, and that to do that, I don't need people putting me down, or criticizing my posts/work/book/knowledge.
If it doesn't work for you, then that's such a shame, I wish it did.
But you're not everybody, and I have helped out an increasing number of people...

Again, thank you "Sandyrdh1", you are very kind to have said that :)

01-30-2013, 11:14 AM
Thank you "Sandyrdh1" I really appreciate you standing up for me.

Yes, I am simply trying to help out. I don't have all the answers, and no I don't know specifically if anything I have to offer will help out anybody in particular.
But "Evil will prevail when good men do nothing".

But I must ask... Why are you so upset with all of my posts "Scared44"?

I have taken my own personal time to write each and every one of these posts, it took me months to write the website and book...
And I'm not making a single penny from it!

I can't speak for everybody with anxiety or suffering, but neither can you. So please respect that I all I am doing is trying to help people, and that to do that, I don't need people putting me down, or criticizing my posts/work/book/knowledge.
If it doesn't work for you, then that's such a shame, I wish it did.
But you're not everybody, and I have helped out an increasing number of people...

Again, thank you "Sandyrdh1", you are very kind to have said that :)

I know you are new to this site and you will find that some just seem to not want to take any advice but keep posting there anxiety and depression. Then some will try anything and everything people say and see if it helps them. We all deal with our anxiety different so don't be offended when someone lashes out. I am thankful for your help. You are here giving great advice that has helped you. No, it may not help all, but even if it helps 1 person that's great! I have found that if you are willing to try different methods you may find something that helps you. But if you don't try then you will never know. I have Enjoyed this site and it has helped me a lot to see how others deal with there anxiety and symptoms. I have suffered skipped heart beats for 7 mths straight and every doc said my heart was fine. Ali, who is on here said to try magnesium citrate to help my skipped beats and calm nerves and muscles so I went and got some and my palps have been gone for 1 week and 3 days now! I am so hoping that was it and I won't go through that misery again:) even my heart doc said the mag was just a myth! So I just say, if you don't like what someone is posting, move on to another page and don't put someone down for trying to help. We all need encouragement during our anxiety and depression so lets just support each other when there only trying to give FREE advice! The question here is- do we really want help and advice that has helped others or are we just here to post our complaints???? I want help and advice on how to try and beat this terrible thing! I want my old life back. And if that means trying different things that have helped others then I will try. If that don't work, I will keep trying.

01-30-2013, 11:56 AM
Great post, I couldn't agree more.
We're all going through, or have gone through the same or at least similar things, so we should all try to help each other the best that we can.

That's great that the Magnesium Citrate has helped you out so well, I hope that it continues to work as well as it has done.
I've never heard about it, and I've never gone through a heart palp, but it sounds very scary!

My way of how I beat anxiety/depression is not the only way, nor would I be able to say it's the best way.. But it is a way, and it has helped several people out already. (I've received quite a few emails last night and this morning of people letting me know what's working for them)
So, even though I'm not an expert, I'm still making a difference, and I'll continue to post my FREE advice.

After all, what would you rather:
A mechanic who knows the in's and outs of a car, but has NEVER once drove a car
A driver who has a very basic understanding of how cars work, but has a clean, safe driving record
teach you how to drive?
Just because somebody is a Dr, or a therapist, doesn't necessarily mean they are the best person for the job...They certainly aren't the only source of good advice

01-30-2013, 12:02 PM
Great post, I couldn't agree more.
We're all going through, or have gone through the same or at least similar things, so we should all try to help each other the best that we can.

That's great that the Magnesium Citrate has helped you out so well, I hope that it continues to work as well as it has done.
I've never heard about it, and I've never gone through a heart palp, but it sounds very scary!

My way of how I beat anxiety/depression is not the only way, nor would I be able to say it's the best way.. But it is a way, and it has helped several people out already. (I've received quite a few emails last night and this morning of people letting me know what's working for them)
So, even though I'm not an expert, I'm still making a difference, and I'll continue to post my FREE advice.

After all, what would you rather:
A mechanic who knows the in's and outs of a car, but has NEVER once drove a car
A driver who has a very basic understanding of how cars work, but has a clean, safe driving record
teach you how to drive?
Just because somebody is a Dr, or a therapist, doesn't necessarily mean they are the best person for the job...They certainly aren't the only source of good advice


01-30-2013, 12:04 PM
Can you copy and paste your web page on here? I have copied and pasted from the web and put it on here before with my phone. I went to your profile but it won't copy the page. :(

01-30-2013, 01:49 PM
Thanks for all the replys, I realize that somethings don't work for everyone, but I will give this a try. Walks were always a way to help but that was when I was able to take walks in the woods to clear my head. but now im back in the city and all the people just freak me out somehow, or self-conscious about nothing. But yes I will try this. Again Thank you.