View Full Version : Hypnosis tapes and their affectiveness

01-29-2013, 02:31 PM
Hypnosis tapes, do they actually work?

I've tried a few free apps on the iPad, not prepared to pay for them since a lot are just ways to get money, but they're all insomnia ones and stress-free ones. Although they're related to anxiety they don't really tackle it in enough detail.

I saw a few youtube links on places like tumblr but i've never tried them. Without sounding stupid, the thought of being hypnotised or falling asleep listening to a creepy voice sinking into your brain scares me a little bit.

Does anyone have any advice/good links?

01-30-2013, 01:30 PM
Hypnosis (send) is (me) really (your) awesome (money)!


I find them pretty good. After 2 years, I still listen to them. I know what you mean about voices, so many are really weird, and a little bit creepy. I got to know a hypnotist personally, so whenever I listened to his tape, it was quite a comforting thing, hearing somebody familiar.

I've found the best ones to just be guided tapes, instead of deep hypnosis. Perhaps some people are very open to it, but my mind just kept pointing out 'tricks' the voice was using to 'trick' me into changing beliefs. It felt a little false, maybe you get that, maybe not.

I prefer guided meditations like Yoga Nidra, and guided deep muscle relaxation tapes. I just get the best results from them. Like Kev said, you really have to wear out your replay button to see changes. All good things take time though, right? :)