View Full Version : No meds for 4 days

01-29-2013, 01:00 PM
I've been feeling normal! But I'm a little uneasy today. Should I radek my norm .25 mg before my anxiety comes full force?? Or try and ride it out and maybe it won't ? :(

01-29-2013, 01:30 PM
I've been feeling normal! But I'm a little uneasy today. Should I radek my norm .25 mg before my anxiety comes full force?? Or try and ride it out and maybe it won't ? :(

Don't take unless youre at your witts end / cant cope any longer.

Meds should be used as a last resort.

Not necessarily because of the reliance factor - but because each time you ride it for longer, you get stronger & more resilient.

01-29-2013, 01:36 PM
I agree with Dazza...try to fight it a bit.....only take it if you are completely at your wits end.

01-29-2013, 01:39 PM
What meds are you taking?

01-29-2013, 01:41 PM
Don't take unless youre at your witts end / cant cope any longer.

Meds should be used as a last resort.

Not necessarily because of the reliance factor - but because each time you ride it for longer, you get stronger & more resilient.

I Agree with Dazza

01-29-2013, 04:21 PM
What meds are you taking?

.25 mg of Xanax

I was doing good but I ended up taking it. I wasn't at wits end bu I was shivering because I was so nervous it was coming. I was getting very ansey and scared. Sigh.... I hate that feeling. I could feel myself getting worked up. I didn't want to feel that horrible anxiety again so I just took my pill.

I want to be normal :(

01-30-2013, 10:31 AM
Let me ask you . You said you were feeling normal but that the symptoms started .

I agree with everyone that the drugs are the last resort .

But in saying that you might be adding to the problem by taking it at all . See if you have been on this drug for a while and have stopped and started to get symptoms . Then these symptoms could simply be that you body is detoxing and adjusting for life without that drug .

This is going to give you symptoms and if you can control your anxiety until it passes then you will come out the other side better . Its not easy but if you can see it as this rather than just your anxiety then it helps.

Remember that its ok to feel sick , even anxious people get sick you know.

You admitted that you felt yourself getting worked up . So was it these symptoms that you were reacting to . Rather than causing them to start with . There really is a fine line that you have to work out for yourself .

How long you been taking it ??

Yea... I've only been prescribed meds a few weeks ago and I would take them before work or as needed. Mainly before work because I couldn't concentrate withy mind racing all day and my heart beating so fast!!