View Full Version : New guy with a problem

01-29-2013, 11:13 AM
Evening guys.

I've been searching online to sort of self diagnosis my problem and came across this forum which seems a good place to talk before I decide to see a medical person.

My problem is... Talking in front of crowds, large groups etc. My job consists of running a room full of approximately 30-40 people which consists of initial briefings and them updates through the course of the period that we are working. It's a leadership role and I'm the guy in charge etc.

The problem I have and have had for many years is talking on front of them. So far I've done amazingly well to get away with it with other people doing it without them noticing my flaws. At the moment I'm doing smaller presentations to a much smaller crowd which I still struggle with. That gives me little confidence in the bigger task in hand of which I am starting to take part in very soon.

The fear/anxiety makes me feel sick and worried. I look for ways I can get our of it and it depresses me to the point of emotional worry. Of the times I got out of it, the night before kept me awake. My heart beat worries me aswel due to the way it reacts. I think I may have a slightly high blood pressure which doesn't help and the pounding impares my voice quite dramatically which then unnerves me throughout which them goes full circle into the next time.

I want to get through this problem massivally but fear its holding me back in my job and dragging me down into a depressant state. My worry also extends to my heart beat which strains my chest just thinking about it.

I understand I'm not going to get a doctors verdict on this forum but just after anyone willing to discuss if they had a similar problem or if anyone can recommend medication that can help.

Thanks for reading

01-29-2013, 12:18 PM
Seems like some anticipatory anxiety and social anxiety and it is indeed common(I have it too). A beta blocker like inderal will help(racing heart/shaking) but you need an rx for it but any given GP has other patients with the same issue and can rx with instructions(e.g., inderal, 20 mg-40 mg an hour before meetings/classes). You might consider a 6 month course of and AD like zoloft to help get you out of the funk. Alankay

01-29-2013, 12:24 PM
What is Rx?

01-29-2013, 01:16 PM
By prescription. Sorry. Alankay