View Full Version : anxiety

06-03-2007, 10:53 PM
hi there:
I am feeling anticipatory anxiety all the time.....does anyone know how to stop this????or how do you cope with it????
Also when you have a full blown anxiety attack do any of you fear that the anxiety attack will never go away and so you panic more????
Thanks to anyone who responds....

V for Victor
06-04-2007, 11:20 AM
Whenever I get very worried about an upcoming event or something that I'm going to have to go through with in the near future, I usually look back at previous times when I felt that way and everything turned out okay.

Usually, once I actually get into the situation, I'm fine.

Yes, unfortunately, anxiety can be a self-feeding monster. You have an attack, and that makes you scared, and that in turn makes the attack worse. Panic attacks eventually go away, if only after a few minutes or as long as several hours.

There are many and various ways to cope with anxiety. There are breathing exercises, mental exercises, and medication for people who have more extreme problems with anxiety.

A simple breathing technique that my doctor taught me is as follows:

Take a deep breath in while counting to four seconds.

Hold the breath for four seconds.

Let it out over a period of four more seconds, and then wait four seconds again before repeating.

06-18-2007, 03:37 AM
Thanks victor for your reply.....anyone else wanna take a stab at my problems??? I would be very grateful.....

06-21-2007, 09:37 AM
For people who feel this unpleasant Anxiety, for this emotional state that involves a complex combination of emotion that includes fear, apprehension, and worry are really a pain that a person can carry all the time.

In my high school days, a friend of mine experience this kind of situation...What I do is I give her some of my favorite Lavender Essential Oils and tell her to use it after she came home...And the next day she think me...She said, it actually helped her.

06-22-2007, 04:41 AM
Anticipatory anxiety is very bad indeed.
However, you should try to reprogram your thinking. Think about similar situations when everything turned out ok. Also at the end of the day, after the event, try to review and see your anxiety was useless. It may not help you for the moment, but it's very important for your subconscious.