View Full Version : Help! is it really just anxiety and depression

01-29-2013, 05:25 AM
Hi All

Last October i went for an eye test, long story short they put the wrong lenses in and i was getting symptoms like real bad heads, blurred vision and dizzy spells. After 8 weeks of going back to spec savers complaining and going to doctors to see what was wrong, when told everything was fine i started looking and loads of stupid things on the net. I then began gettinng symptoms like pins and needles all over, tension headaches and racing thoughts. i was having kill/hurt thoughts now these have stopped im left with the below

After the mistake was spotted and sorted it should of really ended there, but i have just made things much worse. I began to have sleep issues sleeping only 2-3 hours a night and crying for no reason, felt as though i was in a dream and going crazy. i went to the gp and he gave me trazdone, it worked like a treat for 3 weeks and seemed to clear my head abit

Then the sleeping problems began again and i started feeling alittle down. I started looking at stupid things on the net after my mum said i hope you aint got skizophrinia or somthing not the best thing to say. However damage was done i went online looking at the symptoms and now i can't get them out my head, there just spinning around trying to fit themselevs into my life.

I read they thing places are bugged, people are watching them, now im thinking what if things are bugged, what if my phone bugged, what if someones watching and i jut feel like im going completly crazy. i am sick of constantly saying when i hear something did you hear that to my family. Ive never heard anything. i even get panicy when them floaters go past your eyes.

I then stopped taking the trazodone as it never seemed to be helping i cut it down from 100mg to 0, bad idea i know. Im just really scared i have this illness and its driving me crazy, i mean the other day i drew a smiley face and my mind instantly thought what if it can see me, i know this is complety stupid though lol. ve had about 5 hours sleep in 2 nights and i feel like im in dream world. Is this really just anxiety. Now im scared incase these symptoms were here before i read them

01-29-2013, 06:23 AM
It does seem like anxiety...unless you actually believe the buggings are real, etc. But to just fear that and think about them is anxiety related. Alankay

01-29-2013, 07:03 AM
Don't worry it's 8 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet. Layed there for 4 hours and gave up. Kinda weird what it does to us. You mention always asking if you hear that. My family and girlfriend get annoyed because every other minute I ask am I healthy. Literally it is a routine for me to ask if I'm healthy about 40 times a day. I feel outright stupid for it, but if I don't ask it there is this insane urge/fear that makes me ask it. It's almost like a withdrawl from not asking. Or no matter what something is before I try it I always say is this ok. lol

01-29-2013, 01:27 PM
Hi All

Last October i went for an eye test, long story short they put the wrong lenses in and i was getting symptoms like real bad heads, blurred vision and dizzy spells. After 8 weeks of going back to spec savers complaining and going to doctors to see what was wrong, when told everything was fine i started looking and loads of stupid things on the net. I then began gettinng symptoms like pins and needles all over, tension headaches and racing thoughts. i was having kill/hurt thoughts now these have stopped im left with the below

After the mistake was spotted and sorted it should of really ended there, but i have just made things much worse. I began to have sleep issues sleeping only 2-3 hours a night and crying for no reason, felt as though i was in a dream and going crazy. i went to the gp and he gave me trazdone, it worked like a treat for 3 weeks and seemed to clear my head abit

Then the sleeping problems began again and i started feeling alittle down. I started looking at stupid things on the net after my mum said i hope you aint got skizophrinia or somthing not the best thing to say. However damage was done i went online looking at the symptoms and now i can't get them out my head, there just spinning around trying to fit themselevs into my life.

I read they thing places are bugged, people are watching them, now im thinking what if things are bugged, what if my phone bugged, what if someones watching and i jut feel like im going completly crazy. i am sick of constantly saying when i hear something did you hear that to my family. Ive never heard anything. i even get panicy when them floaters go past your eyes.

I then stopped taking the trazodone as it never seemed to be helping i cut it down from 100mg to 0, bad idea i know. Im just really scared i have this illness and its driving me crazy, i mean the other day i drew a smiley face and my mind instantly thought what if it can see me, i know this is complety stupid though lol. ve had about 5 hours sleep in 2 nights and i feel like im in dream world. Is this really just anxiety. Now im scared incase these symptoms were here before i read them

Should have (not) gone to specsavers!

01-29-2013, 01:51 PM
I was on trazadone for insomnia. it helped for a while. I think I stayed on it so long because I was so desperate for sleep, more than an hour or two a night.
About hearing things, seeing things you are not sure about? that happened to me when I was taking too much Welbutrin. I would hear people talking when I was the only one home. or would think the tv was on while I was in bed. I would get up to make sure I turned it off. I did.
not sure if you are on any other meds but double check side effects to see if this could be part of the reason. Just a thought.

02-17-2013, 03:52 PM
My friend, I had the same experience at times in my life. I don't get on this forum much so i will apologize if you reply to me and I never get back to you. I will say this however, I used to look at video game characters and imagine if they were conscious of being characters and wanted to get out, look at my hand and wonder if it had a mind of it's own blah blah blah. Similar anxiety thoughts thinking that I was going crazy. Not until I started dealing with my anxiety did these wild thoughts subside. It's been 2 years now and I'm still not crazy. Peace