View Full Version : Back in work...

01-29-2013, 03:58 AM
Back in work after a week off.... Feeling like shit already. Not even been in for 2 hours. & I'm here until 6pm :(
I've taken a 2mg diazepam an hour ago but it's not done anything.
Yesterday when I was at home I felt quite normal for most of the day. But when I need to feel normal, I'm suffering again.

Back to the doctors tomorrow for a review on my my medication. Was on 50mg Sertraline for 2 weeks & then it was increased to 100mg 2 weeks ago. Should it be starting to work by now? Or is this going to be another antidepressant that's failed me? :(

01-29-2013, 05:12 AM
Back in work after a week off.... Feeling like shit already. Not even been in for 2 hours. & I'm here until 6pm :(
I've taken a 2mg diazepam an hour ago but it's not done anything.
Yesterday when I was at home I felt quite normal for most of the day. But when I need to feel normal, I'm suffering again.

Back to the doctors tomorrow for a review on my my medication. Was on 50mg Sertraline for 2 weeks & then it was increased to 100mg 2 weeks ago. Should it be starting to work by now? Or is this going to be another antidepressant that's failed me? :(

Back at work yet posting on this forum all day... LOL

And yeah, I realise there's an irony involved here ;-)

01-29-2013, 05:35 AM
Dont be a dick. I posted that on my break.
2nd diazepam & still not feeling right. Hope a walk into town now will sort me out.

01-29-2013, 05:54 AM
Maybe she feels better when she posts here all this geezerseems to do is laugh at people suffering how about you go get a job and ctualy try and sort ya life out, and hopefully the doctors will sort this for you my medication has started helping at night times big relief

01-29-2013, 05:58 AM
Noticed dazza trolling other posts too. Offers no advice. How bout you keep your stupid comments to yourself.

01-29-2013, 05:59 AM
Noticed dazza trolling other posts too. Offers no advice. How bout you keep your stupid comments to yourself.

Enough said : )

01-29-2013, 06:26 AM
Yeah I post here because it's meant to be a place for support, when I have none off anyone else.

I'm trying so hard to cope with this, but I can't focus at work, can't eat (which is making my mum moan at me about how much weight I've lost), having to force my legs to walk at the moment because I need to buy a smoothie because again I can't eat lunch.

I go do the doctors at least twice a month asking for advice. Have tried 5 antidepressants, a sedative, propranolol & diazepam.

I don't know what else I can do to help myself.

01-29-2013, 06:42 AM
Yeah I post here because it's meant to be a place for support, when I have none off anyone else.

I'm trying so hard to cope with this, but I can't focus at work, can't eat (which is making my mum moan at me about how much weight I've lost), having to force my legs to walk at the moment because I need to buy a smoothie because again I can't eat lunch.

I go do the doctors at least twice a month asking for advice. Have tried 5 antidepressants, a sedative, propranolol & diazepam.

I don't know what else I can do to help myself.

Don't worry. I too am having a hard time right now after having a good few weeks. Last night it hit me hard. Not a really adrenaline feeling, just a worried scared feeling. It is now 7:50 a.m. here in the US and I haven't even been to sleep yet. I was on the bed with my eyes closed from about 4 til almost 7 and just said screw this and got up feeling extremely weird, pale, and just not myself. Now I'm starting to feel better, but when I try to sleep again I don't know if it'll come back. Just try to look forward to getting home where you can do whatever you need without feeling pressured.

01-29-2013, 07:18 AM
Have you tried any hypnosis tapes? I've been listening to an anxiety one whilst going to sleep for a few days now. Obviously it's not worked on the anxiety front, but it helps get me to sleep.

I just feel so shit at the moment. I don't know how much longer I can cope. The anxiety symptoms have now been accompanied by a banging headache to make things even better.

I've been sent home from work for being a crying mess unable to actually do anything.

01-29-2013, 07:21 AM
I was back to work today too after 5 lazy and glorious weeks of holidays.

I was actually expecting to be a LOT more anxious - I had 2 new classes and had to give 50 minute presentations for them.

I took 2.5mg Valium in the morning and even had a coffee to perk me up after about 3-4 hours of sleep and I was amazingly ok.

As for the Zoloft, it should really reach maximum efficacy after 2-3 months. You may need to up the dose further.

And Dazza means no harm. He has good intentions and does often offer good advice - sadly the Internet has no intent filter for his sick sense of humour ;)

I post on here all the time to calm my nerves at work!

01-29-2013, 07:28 AM
This might sound weird, but what do you do for work? More importantly, when you aren't anxious, do you really enjoy it??

I'm wondering if perhaps there is a subconscious reason that you are struggling so much at work particularly...

I'm one of the blessed few that absolutely loves my job and my colleagues - I wouldn't trade it for the world. Therefore I'm usually in my 'happy place' at work. I find my zen there. Is there something that you really wanted to pursue career wise? Maybe you need a bit of a career overhaul?

01-29-2013, 07:51 AM
This might sound weird, but what do you do for work? More importantly, when you aren't anxious, do you really enjoy it??

I'm wondering if perhaps there is a subconscious reason that you are struggling so much at work particularly...

I'm one of the blessed few that absolutely loves my job and my colleagues - I wouldn't trade it for the world. Therefore I'm usually in my 'happy place' at work. I find my zen there. Is there something that you really wanted to pursue career wise? Maybe you need a bit of a career overhaul?

I work in motor claims for a large insurance company. It's something I know well because I've worked in this area for 5 years & have an exam qualification in it. The area that I work in at the moment is not stressful, it is quite monotonous actually. It's the same thing day to day basically. It's rare that something challenges me there. I have discussed moving to different departments, but opportunities in the teams I'm interested in are few & far between. Also, due to my absence record, they won't put me forward for those positions.

A lady that I get on with very well has just come back from maternity leave & although she doesn't understand, she asks me to talk to her just so I can take my mind off my symptoms. I get along okay with other members of my team, enough to talk to during work, a couple I sometimes speak to outside work, some I don't get on with much & have had arguments with them in the past after confronting them about how they treat people.

I know I could do one of the jobs I want in the company, I have the knowledge & experience but I need to be able to get my sickness record down before I'll be allowed to prove myself. I want to be transferred to the Manchester office as I am moving to Manchester in a few months, but even for a transfer I would need to get my absence down before they would even consider me.

01-29-2013, 08:48 AM
I dont know what dvice people have i have and iphone and ipad most people do these days but there are some seriously good apps for mesitation to help you relax fully at night time ive been listening to them for 2 weeks non stop at night i probly know all the words to alot of the meditations there area few available and like someone just sai about listening to things like that it doesnt tackle the anxiety front but it does help the mind to relax and makes it easier to get to sleep

01-29-2013, 09:06 AM
I'm hoping that the hypnosis tapes will start to work. Obviously it's your subconscious that takes that information in, but listening to them whilst awake, I did take some good information from them.

01-29-2013, 09:19 AM
Is it your job that is causing all or most of your stress? Seems like you are always super stressed when you are there.
If that is what is causing your stress, why not just start looking around to find something new? No job is worth sacrificing your health for. Or is it that you feel overwhelmed at work and need to cut back on some of your duties? I had to change depts at my job because I was too stressed out. I feel much better now and work from home.
Just something to think about....its a new year, let's all make some positive changes so this year will be a great one.

01-29-2013, 09:21 AM
Is it your job that is causing all or most of your stress? Seems like you are always super stressed when you are there.
If that is what is causing your stress, why not just start looking around to find something new? No job is worth sacrificing your health for. Or is it that you feel overwhelmed at work and need to cut back on some of your duties? I had to change depts at my job because I was too stressed out. I feel much better now and work from home.
Just something to think about....its a new year, let's all make some positive changes so this year will be a great one.

Ok, sorry, saw you answered this earlier....perhaps the transfer will do you some good. It just really seems like your anxiety trigger is related to something at your job.....

01-29-2013, 09:45 AM
Ok, sorry, saw you answered this earlier....perhaps the transfer will do you some good. It just really seems like your anxiety trigger is related to something at your job.....

I'm not sure that it is :/ I don't really know what causes it. Yesterday I was fine & then had a funny turn at home about 9pm.
It happens in supermarkets, at my friends houses, in restaurants. Anywhere really. It's just that I can leave the other places. I can't leave work as easily & I know I have things that need doing. Puts more pressure on me I guess.

01-29-2013, 09:47 AM
I try to offer advice but this ILLNESS seems to be more complicated & varied than I first thought.

I've been through a whole year of the most fucked up symptoms & CONSTANT fear of death that, I just cannot comprehend what I've experienced.
It all seems like one, long nightmare.

I'm serious, I've had it NO easier than anyone else on here.

I never posted on here or ANY forum when I was actually suffering, though. I would just cope with it myself in my own way.
In fact, I was feeling SO shit that I didn't even want to power up my laptop.

Maybe the fact that I did deal with it by myself, instead of continuously asking the same or similar questions on a web forum, was to my advantage?

For some reason - I'm better. Or at least hovvering between 95 and 100% better.
I still get the odd wobbly moment but it's nothing, really.

These days, instead of advice, I prefer to concur with people's symptoms / feelings / experiences - in the hope that this may help.

I can't spend much time on here anymore either. I've moved in with the missus / have a child on the way & am too busy at home now.

01-29-2013, 09:51 AM
You know, I find when I do not have someone to chat with, it leaves more time to have the anxious thoughts. I think its good that you chat with your other co worker...it will help to keep your mind off of things that are bothering you.

01-29-2013, 09:58 AM
I try to offer advice but this ILLNESS seems to be more complicated & varied than I first thought.

I've been through a whole year of the most fucked up symptoms & CONSTANT fear of death that, I just cannot comprehend what I've experienced.
It all seems like one, long nightmare.

I'm serious, I've had it NO easier than anyone else on here.

I never posted on here or ANY forum when I was actually suffering, though. I would just cope with it myself in my own way.
In fact, I was feeling SO shit that I didn't even want to power up my laptop.

Maybe the fact that I did deal with it by myself, instead of continuously asking the same or similar questions on a web forum, was to my advantage?

For some reason - I'm better. Or at least hovvering between 95 and 100% better.
I still get the odd wobbly moment but it's nothing, really.

These days, instead of advice, I prefer to concur with people's symptoms / feelings / experiences - in the hope that this may help.

I can't spend much time on here anymore either. I've moved in with the missus / have a child on the way & am too busy at home now.

Yes, you definitely will not have much time to yourself once the baby arrives. Congrats, by the way!!!

I guess we all deal with our anxiety a little different....I don't think I've ever posted either while in the midst of a panic attack....I can't even think straight...let alone come onto a forum and put together a comprehendible post......lol. I definitely am thankful for this forum and the people on it though.

01-29-2013, 10:01 AM
your inbox is full temperance :(

01-29-2013, 10:05 AM
your inbox is full temperance :(


01-29-2013, 10:15 AM
your inbox is full temperance :(

Try again pal :)

01-29-2013, 02:22 PM
Will do dave