View Full Version : Feeling sick in public.

01-29-2013, 02:44 AM
Hi all,
Am looking for some guidance here.
I have had several periods of GAD in my life but really felt I had it beat for the last couple of years.
I believe strongly in not adding second fear to an anxious feeling and trying to reject all those "what if" thoughts.. This has worked well for me in the past even if it did take a while....
Suddenly I find myself back on the old treadmill and it is the same thought that kicks in with me and causes me problems. My worst physical symptom is nausea, along with the other common feelings. This feeling of dry mouth and churning stomach kills my appetite and makes it difficult to eat. Not surprisingly my anxiety turned into a fear of eating out. I could hide the way I was feeling in every other sense but someone putting a meal in front of me was very difficult, and I always felt I was going to embarrass myself and have to admit to others that I was nervous... another big fear of mine. I never avoided these situations and eventually I reached the point where I loved going out for meals.... so we are all capable of curing ourselves!
Just over the last few weeks I began to feel a little anxious and made the big mistake of worrying that "IT" was coming back... maybe this time to stay... Oh these insidious thoughts... and so here I am today feeling a little back at square one.
The thought that keeps recurring is "what if I cannot eat when I am out with others" and "what if I feel sick". These are the ones I just cannot seem to reject as I know that at this moment in time I do feel nauseous. I almost need someone else to tell me what I need to change these thoughts to.
I know that if I can manage these thoughts I can do the rest, and hopefully get back to where I was a few weeks ago.
Any suggestions would be of great help...
Also am happy to help with those who have not yet recovered for the first time as I do believe the way is straightforward, if not easy.
