View Full Version : My story....*Enjoy & hope it can bring some comfort

06-03-2007, 06:06 PM
Please forgive my spelling and grammer as i`ve never wrote anything like this before..
My story starts two years ago when I was at the age of 22 I had just spend a weekend at the T in the park festival and I had drank myself stupid. The next day I was to fly out to Prague for a 3 day lads weekend and I was feeling a bit edgy but I just put it down to alcohol abuse. The holiday was going great and I was back to my old tricks, drinking hard and not getting much sleep the last morning of the holiday we decided to go to a local outdoor pool, As I was in the water I looked down when I saw my chest covered in blood it had came poring out my nose the shock of seeing this made me feel light headed & my hart started to pound I had never felt this way before but I remember not being to worried. While I was getting treated by the pool nurse my mind started wondering and I found myself thinking about conditions like brain tumors & blood clotts this started to worry me and I became convinced I had one of the illnesses. The flight home was a real nightmare I was sweating & could not get the feeling of dread out of my mind. When I finally got home I felt a lot better & quickly forgot the feelings I`d felt earlier and had already made plans to go to my girlfriends house for dinner.
As my dad was driving me down to my girlfriends I noticed my vision started to blur and the feeling of dread and worry started to grip me again it was when I got to her door I had my first full blown panic attack though at the time I had no idea what was happening.
That night I was a wreck I was convinced I was going to die and had a brain tumor I had no rational thoughts in my head & my body was in a constant state of anxiety.
The next few weeks I could not make work and I was gradually becoming severly affected by agoraphobia and other anxiety symptoms.
This continued for many months and I finally got the see a therapist which helped slightly but I had a great fear of medical buildings and my appointment were at the local hospital.this I think hindered my recovery.
Skip forward to today and I still feel anxiety has control of my life although I have almost eliminated panic attacks I just don`t have the lust for life like I used to have.
I have to go to bed as I have work tomorrow but I will post more next time. :lol:


06-05-2007, 01:55 PM
its good that you have started this, it is good for me and other people to know that we are not the only ones, keep posting!