View Full Version : Chest pain

01-28-2013, 09:54 AM
I am sick of my chest hurting everyday feeling like i need to go hospital all the time, I've had 3 ekgs and blood tests in the last 8 months all normal my most recent was end of October I asked the doctor for another one a week ago but he said I didn't need one as there's been nothing wrong with my previous ones. I just want to feel normal again.

01-28-2013, 09:58 AM
I am sick of my chest hurting everyday feeling like i need to go hospital all the time, I've had 3 ekgs and blood tests in the last 8 months all normal my most recent was end of October I asked the doctor for another one a week ago but he said I didn't need one as there's been nothing wrong with my previous ones. I just want to feel normal again.

I had that and skip heart beats. Took magnesium citrate and it stopped them. It has a calming effect for muscles and nerves and is used in much higher doses for irregular beats and heart attack patients. You can also take epsim salt baths when this happens. It has mag too but is secreted fasted than the vitamins

01-28-2013, 03:53 PM
I take propanolol in small doses and find it defo helps with chest pains and rapid heart beat , though on negative side they make me feel really dizzy

01-28-2013, 06:56 PM
I too have chest pains almost daily. Just started again within the hour. I was convinced for the longest time it was my heart yet if I take a Klonopin it calms me down and chest pains go away. Problem is I have had anxiety for so long that I have gotten almost used to it. I will sometimes get the chest pains and jaws hurt and won't really feel keyed up, yet the klonopin relieves it so it must be a form of stress or anxiety. The jaw thing just started within the last month or so. I will find myself clenching my jaws tight and not realize it until they hurt.