View Full Version : Just going to tell you all whats been going on

01-27-2013, 04:17 PM
Hello everyone,

So this is my story (again), I went from one day being. Happy 18 year old lad and the next I have this overwhelming fear I'm dying!, okay so I started to get this weird one sided I wanna call it numbness but its not completely numb it has a weird sensation like its impossible to move and it's not connected to my body... But it wasn't that bad at the start, then I kept having these episodes (especially) during the night where I honestly thought I was dying!, like I was on my hands and knees begging my mum to take me to the hospital! I've Been to the hospital around 4 times since and they keep saying its anxiety but I don't think it is :(, this one sided problem is from head to toe and has been getting progrressively worse :/ and now I'm literally at breaking point I just can't take this anymore, I feel like I'm fighting to stay alive everyday!, and with all my symptoms I'm 99% sure I've got a brain tumor! And I'm not joking at all :(, I had a MRI brain and neck scan 9 days ago and am still waiting on the results!! I will list my symptoms and tell me what you guys think

My symptoms are:

One sided numbness/weakness: weird sensation (other side feel weak but not as bad)

Visual problems:loads of floaters and weird lights that catch my eye, feel like a light is constantly being shon into my right eye

Constant headaches mainly on left side but do move around

Generally weak lack of motivation

Constant muscles spasms/twitches

Pain in back all over

Always and I mean always anxious worried I'm dieing

In all honestly this can't all be anxiety related can it?!!!! Please someone reply with.. Anything...! Thanks for reading x

01-27-2013, 04:23 PM
Yeah I've been there done that your not alone! I've been dealing with mine for two years. Your not gonna die, especially since you've been to the Er twice . If there was something wrong with you, THEY would know. I know how you feel. Deep breathes and try to keep yourself occupied

01-27-2013, 04:27 PM
I can say I have had all of these:( it is a terrible feeling. Have you got any meds for anxiety? If there were a brain tumor or something bad on your brain they would have let you know immediately! My daughter does that stuff and if there is anything of concern they let the doc know right then. So quit worrying about that one.

01-27-2013, 04:55 PM
I do not think you have a brain tumor. I have these same symptoms! They are all anxiety symptoms! If you had a brain tumor they would want to get you in asap! Anxiety puts a lot of stress on your body & can do a lot of weird things too.

01-27-2013, 05:32 PM
Thank you very much for your replies!, but apparently the neurologist consultant hasn't even looked at my MRI scan yet :( I'm just really really worried :(

01-27-2013, 05:55 PM
Thank you very much for your replies!, but apparently the neurologist consultant hasn't even looked at my MRI scan yet :( I'm just really really worried :(

Maybe not but the radiologist where you went to get it done does. He reads it too and puts it in the report then your neuro reads it too. If there were anything the radiologist would if made it a stat and contacted your Nero. They do it that way at my Nero doc too.

01-27-2013, 06:19 PM
Is a radiologist the person who does the MRI?, because when I had it done I had a double mirror so I could see into the room where they were and there were two people?

01-27-2013, 06:28 PM
Is a radiologist the person who does the MRI?, because when I had it done I had a double mirror so I could see into the room where they were and there were two people?

No. The people who do your MRI are radiology techs. You don't even see the radiologist there. They are usually back in a office or some work from home and the scan are sent to them at home right after your apt. I have a radiologist as a patient of mine. He works both at home and an office. Sometimes you can go to the hosp and they take x rays etc and send it to the radiologist at home when it's late at night there on call radiologists. My daughter is a radiology tech. And she even said exactly what I just told you:)

01-27-2013, 06:34 PM
Okay, still a tad confused haha, so have my scans been definitely looked at?

01-27-2013, 06:36 PM
Okay, I'm still a little confused, so have my scans. Definitely been looked at? Thank you for your help :)

01-27-2013, 06:55 PM
Okay, I'm still a little confused, so have my scans. Definitely been looked at? Thank you for your help :)

Yes:) by the radiologist at the site when you had them taken. But maybe not by the Nero yet. Mine waits till I get there and goes over it with me then.
You went and had an MRI, the people who you saw are radio tech, meaning they only take the pictures. Then after they take the pictures and you leave they then send it to the radiologist who reads it and writes his report. If he sees anything he will call your doc then.
The radiologist there always reads everyone's films even if your doc reads them too. It's there job to read the films. They are doctors too in radiology.
Then your doc will get that report from the radiologist that read it and see what he said and then let you know. But if it were anything bad your doc would have already called you.

01-27-2013, 06:56 PM

Your symptoms do sound anxiety based, but the one sided thing is a bit disconcerting - I know I would be dreaming out too.

You scans will have bee looked at by the radiologist for any immediately detectable irregularities (like a big tumour or cancer, or even a blood clot!). Generally if there is something very wrong, you would barely have left the hospital before they call you up to make you come back in.

They never disclose bad news like this over the phone either. Basically, if there was something horribly wrong, you'd be in and out of surgery by now.

So, it's pretty much a guarantee this this is anxiety. Do you know what you're going to do about it?

01-27-2013, 06:57 PM
Dreaming = freaking!

01-27-2013, 06:59 PM
Yes:) by the radiologist at the site when you had them taken. But maybe not by the Nero yet. Mine waits till I get there and goes over it with me then.
You went and had an MRI, the people who you saw are radio tech, meaning they only take the pictures. Then after they take the pictures and you leave they then send it to the radiologist who reads it and writes his report. If he sees anything he will call your doc then.
The radiologist there always reads everyone's films even if your doc reads them too. It's there job to read the films. They are doctors too in radiology.
Then your doc will get that report from the radiologist that read it and see what he said and then let you know. But if it were anything bad your doc would have already called you.

And actually regular doctors like GP can't even read mri's and x rays etc. they rely on the radiologist to read them and send them the report on if they found anything or not. My regular doctor gets the report and then tells me the report was fine. So your have been read by the radiologist and he is really the main dude! Lol. So since you have not heard anything from your doc that's good news:)

01-27-2013, 07:37 PM
Okay thank you, I'm taking your word for it :), I will post on here when I get my results, well if it does come back okay it rules out two main possibilities I've been worrying about, ms and a brain tumor! Just a thousand other conditions I will find and worry about haha

01-27-2013, 07:43 PM
Okay thank you, I'm taking your word for it :), I will post on here when I get my results, well if it does come back okay it rules out two main possibilities I've been worrying about, ms and a brain tumor! Just a thousand other conditions I will find and worry about haha

Yea I thought I had MS too. Had all the symptoms. Had the MRI and my Nero said nope!:) all mine seemed to be that I was low in my B12 and D. So now I do B12 shots and did the prescription D for 6 weeks and it took so many of those symptoms away:) did your Nero do any blood tests? If not have him check those for you.

01-27-2013, 07:47 PM
Aiden, I've been worried about having all sorts of weird diseases. All the tests I've gotten are completely fine! Avoid googling symptoms.

01-27-2013, 07:54 PM
Aiden, I've been worried about having all sorts of weird diseases. All the tests I've gotten are completely fine! Avoid googling symptoms.

Agree:) google is terrible if your looking for something to be wrong. It is great for looking into diff vitamins or a natural way that help with anxiety or depression. I have learned so much good stuff and having started taking control of what I eat and taking diff vitamins for things. I had heart palps for 7 mths and googled vitamins that help heart palps and bam, there was mag citrate. So I google that and found it regulates the heart, calms your mood and nerves and helps you sleep. I went and got some and have not had a palp in a week, feel calmer and i am sleeping better:) so if you feel the need to google, google good things. Lol. Look up foods and vitamins that help anxiety etc.

01-27-2013, 08:12 PM
Thank you, I just find it so hard everyday, it's like before any of this started I would say that people with anxiety etc need man up an get over it or stop over reacting, now I realise how hard it can be!, it's like every single little thing is a worry to me now. So many things I'm missing out on and can't have good fun like I used to, and this constant feeling that I'm dying of some disease or condition is horrible, I've literally been bed ridden for the past month or so, can't even remember Christmas :/ I just want to be normal Again but in all honestly I don't reckon I ever will be able to :(

01-27-2013, 08:20 PM
Thank you, I just find it so hard everyday, it's like before any of this started I would say that people with anxiety etc need man up an get over it or stop over reacting, now I realise how hard it can be!, it's like every single little thing is a worry to me now. So many things I'm missing out on and can't have good fun like I used to, and this constant feeling that I'm dying of some disease or condition is horrible, I've literally been bed ridden for the past month or so, can't even remember Christmas :/ I just want to be normal Again but in all honestly I don't reckon I ever will be able to :(

You will. You have just got to take charge of your life and not let the anxiety take charge like its doing now. When you find out that everything is fine, you need to swallow that and say this is just anxiety every time you feel it. Get some health foods and vitamins in your system and just know you are doing thing to better your body and health will keep a lot of that anxiety down so you can cope better and you will start feeling better because you are feeding your body with healthy stuff and a health mind thoughts:)

01-27-2013, 08:24 PM
You will. You have just got to take charge of your life and not let the anxiety take charge like its doing now. When you find out that everything is fine, you need to swallow that and say this is just anxiety every time you feel it. Get some health foods and vitamins in your system and just know you are doing thing to better your body and health will keep a lot of that anxiety down so you can cope better and you will start feeling better because you are feeding your body with healthy stuff and a health mind thoughts:)

I will try, what sort of things should I get? On the vitamins side etc? I just want to be able to go out and feel like its not going to be my last day alive, but it's hard, actually not hard it's impossible...

01-27-2013, 08:59 PM
I take a prenatal vit because it has more good vit than a multi. I take C, B12, magnesium citrate and fish oil. I think mag citrate it the bomb! It really calms me and my nerves. That's what it is for. It helps lift my mood and sleep better. But my best advise it to google vitamins that help anxiety or maybe google like I did, vitamins to calm my nerves etc. and that will give you am idea of what vit fit what you anxiety symptoms are. When we have anxiety and don't feel like eating it depletes us of the vit we use to get. So if we are not eating good then we need to supplement for that. Sometimes just constant anxiety take its toll and takes away the vitamins in our body and we need to replenish that.

01-27-2013, 10:13 PM
I posted this on your other thread, but just to reassure you and make sure you see it I'll repost it.

My sister went and got an MRI the Friday before this last one. She gets dizzy alot and actually completely faints. Not just say she feels like it, she does. So they did the MRI that Friday and she had a follow up appointment with her neurologist set for later. Before two full days had even passed she got a phone call from the people that did the MRI telling her to schedule a CT scan for a few days later, which she has now had done as well. These were both before the next neurologist appointment was even supposed to be. This was because they found a cyst above roof of her mouth that was trying to grow into it. It is totally benign, but they acted that fast on it before she even had another appointment. Trust me, if it was something serious they definitely would've already called for atleast you to come back.

01-28-2013, 09:16 AM
Thank you for telling me that story, it helps :), its just worrying that this weakness/numbness is getting worse everyday, like today I can barely walk on my right leg and my right arm feels heavy and weak, it can't all be anxiety related, the anxiety only came on because of this feeling if I'm honest! Still waiting for my results is killing me!

01-28-2013, 09:33 AM
Thank you for telling me that story, it helps :), its just worrying that this weakness/numbness is getting worse everyday, like today I can barely walk on my right leg and my right arm feels heavy and weak, it can't all be anxiety related, the anxiety only came on because of this feeling if I'm honest! Still waiting for my results is killing me!

Do you have neck or back problems?

01-28-2013, 09:43 AM
Not that I know of, I had pain in my neck and because I'm 6ft 3 and very skinny my back hunches over? And the muscles on my shoulder blades are always noted but apart from that I don't think so?

01-28-2013, 09:48 AM
Not that I know of, I had pain in my neck and because I'm 6ft 3 and very skinny my back hunches over? And the muscles on my shoulder blades are always noted but apart from that I don't think so?

I have sore shoulder all the time. And sometimes when it's really bothering me it makes my arm and leg feel heavy. That why I was asking. It could just be a nerve.

01-28-2013, 09:51 AM
But can one damaged or trapped nerve cause the whole of one side of my body to be this intensely weak/numb?

01-28-2013, 10:00 AM
But can one damaged or trapped nerve cause the whole of one side of my body to be this intensely weak/numb?

Well if you have a pinches nerve or a nerve that is close to a disk that is being aggregated then yes. I have a few herniated disks in my neck and back. Sometimes my fingers will go numb and tingle. Sometime my leg tingles. So it's a possibility.

01-28-2013, 10:36 AM
Ahh, so how do I get that checked out do you know?

01-28-2013, 10:53 AM
Ahh, so how do I get that checked out do you know?

You get a MRI of your back and neck. Your go can request it or Nero doctor or orthopedic doc. It will show up if you have one.

01-28-2013, 10:54 AM
You get a MRI of your back and neck. Your go can request it or Nero doctor or orthopedic doc. It will show up if you have one.

You GP can request it is what I meant to say.

01-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Ah okay, well when I had my brain scan done I also had neck done aswell so that's half the job :)

01-28-2013, 12:17 PM
Ah okay, well when I had my brain scan done I also had neck done aswell so that's half the job :)

Well good:) hope you get the results back soon to ease you mind some. Maybe call them and see. Sometimes if there is nothing they wait forever to call you.

01-28-2013, 12:20 PM
I will ring them tommorow sometime I reckon :)

01-28-2013, 02:13 PM
But can one damaged or trapped nerve cause the whole of one side of my body to be this intensely weak/numb?

Yes. Whatever part that nerve goes to is completely affected if it is pinched.

01-28-2013, 04:11 PM
Ah okay, but can a nerve be pinched for this long it's been literally 5 months now?

01-28-2013, 04:29 PM
Ah okay, but can a nerve be pinched for this long it's been literally 5 months now?

I'm pretty sure it can. My mom had problems for a long time and was completely ignoring it. She was at a routine doctors appointment and he noticed it and sent her to the neurologist. She said she had been ignoring it for awhile and he said it wasn't life threatening, but wouldn't get better on its own. So she went and they tested different nerves. It is painless. She was sent to a chiropractor and had her neck realigned. It helped alot she said. She also said it didn't hurt, it actually felt good. Though they are popping and moving your neck around, you have to trust that they have done it alot of times and know what they are doing.

01-28-2013, 04:34 PM
Or it could be anxiety

01-28-2013, 05:17 PM
Ahh we'll I will definitely look into it! :) thank you :) it could be anxiety, I took 10mg of diazapsm earlier today and I actually felt alot better for a couple hours, but the one sided thing still was there!

01-28-2013, 05:20 PM
That sucks well least u felt better for a little bit what's it do for u?

01-28-2013, 05:23 PM
Do you mean the diazapam?

01-28-2013, 06:29 PM
Hey everyone,

I've just been looking up a condition called Raynaud's disease (as my dad mentioned he has it) and I'm pretty sure I have it to, because my hands change colour rapidly due to mainly weather, but I found out on the Internet that it also occurs during anxiety!!! And this could be the underlying reason for the weakness down one side as its the main side getting effected by the disease!

01-28-2013, 07:13 PM
Hey everyone,

I've just been looking up a condition called Raynaud's disease (as my dad mentioned he has it) and I'm pretty sure I have it to, because my hands change colour rapidly due to mainly weather, but I found out on the Internet that it also occurs during anxiety!!! And this could be the underlying reason for the weakness down one side as its the main side getting effected by the disease!

Well dint diagnose yourself. Wait for the doctor. Just because he has it does not mean you do:)

01-28-2013, 07:37 PM
Hmm yeah I know! Maybe I just want it to be that, because then it's an answer, and it's not dangerous either

01-28-2013, 09:18 PM
My symptoms are:

One sided numbness/weakness: weird sensation (other side feel weak but not as bad)

Visual problems:loads of floaters and weird lights that catch my eye, feel like a light is constantly being shon into my right eye

Constant headaches mainly on left side but do move around

Generally weak lack of motivation

Constant muscles spasms/twitches

Pain in back all over

Always and I mean always anxious worried I'm dieing


Your first 3 symptoms make me think of migraines. Especially with the visual problems. I had my first migraine a few years ago and was totally floored that migraines are so much more then terrible headaches. There are a lot of different types including one called migraine with aura which produces all kinds of crazy hallucination type stuff. I have this and will get a what looks like a water spot in my eye that will progress to a kalidscope(sp) like image. I also get weird lights and shadow like images.

Anyways it may be worthwhile to do a little research into migraines and speak to your doctor about it.

01-29-2013, 01:40 AM
It's all anxiety related! There is nothing wrong with you!

01-29-2013, 08:48 AM
Thank you! I wouldn't say my headaches are terrible but they are constant :/ you can't be 100% sure that it's all anxiety related!

01-29-2013, 11:48 AM
Day 12 still no results...

01-29-2013, 01:50 PM
Day 12 still no results...

Call and demand that they give them to you. Maybe the place did not send them and you doc has no idea.

01-29-2013, 02:52 PM
I had almost the same problem...I was getting very strange sensations and pains in my head...I was actually making my self sick over it because i was convinced i had a brain tumor or some strange disease , it got to the point where I had to go to the hospital...they have me a brain scan and a bunch if blood tests...everything came back fine , it was the anxiety. Knowing that it was just the anxiety has helped me a lot and I don't get it often anymore. Anxiety truly messes with your whole body!!! it's crazy. But I'm sure your fine don't worry :)

01-30-2013, 05:20 AM
My results are in!, my doctor is going to read the report today at some point and I have to ring him tomorrow for the results! Not long now....

01-30-2013, 07:25 AM
It's scary how much your brain controls you. Over the years that is what I have learned. You think you control your brain but all you do is influence it, your brain controls you. I have been trying to do things to control my thinking but no real success yet. All your symptoms sound like anxiety, have read same thing and experienced some too.

01-30-2013, 07:33 AM
My results are in!, my doctor is going to read the report today at some point and I have to ring him tomorrow for the results! Not long now....

Great! Keep us posted:)

01-31-2013, 06:45 AM
Got the all clear from the MRI scan :)

01-31-2013, 08:57 AM
Got the all clear from the MRI scan :)

Yea!! See, you worried for nothing. Now you can say its anxiety related and not worry:):)

01-31-2013, 09:35 AM
Well unfortunately it's not that easy, the doctor And the neurologist believe there is a physical reason for this, they just need to find it, but I'm more convinced its not life threatening as I thought :)

01-31-2013, 09:48 AM
Well unfortunately it's not that easy, the doctor And the neurologist believe there is a physical reason for this, they just need to find it, but I'm more convinced its not life threatening as I thought :)

Well hopefully they will find it soon:)

01-31-2013, 10:45 AM
While it may not all be anxiety related, it sure sounds like it could be. Remember that a medical doctor has to and will assume it is physical. They are not trained to deal with psychological problems and will always try and find a physical reason why something is wrong as they cannot test for anything else. Also remember that your brain is responsible for every sensation in your body including pain.

01-31-2013, 11:42 AM
Thank you that is a very good point!, are MRI scans absolutely perfect? Like I know this is my anxiety speaking, but does this mean there is nothin physically wrong with my brain, growths etc? I'm going to a chiropractor tommorow as people recommend it :)

01-31-2013, 12:03 PM
Thank you that is a very good point!, are MRI scans absolutely perfect? Like I know this is my anxiety speaking, but does this mean there is nothin physically wrong with my brain, growths etc? I'm going to a chiropractor tommorow as people recommend it :)

If there was anything there, they would of seen it. So you passed that test:) don't think about it anymore:):) your brain is fine.

01-31-2013, 12:04 PM
Okay :) thank you :)

02-01-2013, 11:02 AM
Went to the chiropractor today :), she told me she was pretty certain my numbness etc was due to where my spine is out of line and I have bad posture, so hopefully this is the answer :)