View Full Version : Has anyone taken ativan?

01-27-2013, 03:08 AM
How did it make you feel?

01-27-2013, 07:08 AM
Took it for classes during college for a few years. It is great for anxiety/panic. If you take the right dose it will make you feel, well, much less anxiety. A bit too much, maybe drowsy so learn what the right dose is for you. If you've never taken a benzo before start with .5 mg and go from there. Alankay

01-27-2013, 07:34 AM
My cousin takes that and loves it for her panic disorder. I have been prescribed Klonopin along with my Celexa. The pills are .5mg each and sometimes I only need half of one of those, other times I need a whole one and then another half if that doesn't do it.
My question is, how do you know if you are getting addicted or not? I don't think so since I have been on them for 10 years and don't take near what they prescribe me. During the summer months I can go days or a week or more without even thinking about them but lately I feel like I need it as soon as I wake in the morning. Part of me says, who cares if it makes me feel normal but I hate that I need a drug to feel normal.
I do notice that during my more hormonal time I am as nervous as a virgin at a prison rodeo. My Dr. tells me my hormones are all normal but I don't see how when I get brain fog, hot flashes and completely fatigued for a week or more at that time.
Do I keep depending on the Klonopin or try to muster through the daffy duck days. (I call it Daffy Ducking because of the way he would yell whoowhoo, whoohoo while bouncing from head to feet on the cartoons and that is how I feel sometimes).
I go to the store and just people watch sometimes at couples laughing carefree and enjoying life and want that sooooo bad again but just can't seem to get there but a day every now and again. :(

01-27-2013, 02:42 PM
I haven't taken it i am on zoloft but I feel the same way you do. I just want to feel normal again without relying on medication for it. I still don't feel totally better and I hate being scared all the time. I also look at people and think man I want that carefree and happy life.

01-27-2013, 02:46 PM
My cousin takes that and loves it for her panic disorder. I have been prescribed Klonopin along with my Celexa. The pills are .5mg each and sometimes I only need half of one of those, other times I need a whole one and then another half if that doesn't do it.
My question is, how do you know if you are getting addicted or not? I don't think so since I have been on them for 10 years and don't take near what they prescribe me. During the summer months I can go days or a week or more without even thinking about them but lately I feel like I need it as soon as I wake in the morning. Part of me says, who cares if it makes me feel normal but I hate that I need a drug to feel normal.
I do notice that during my more hormonal time I am as nervous as a virgin at a prison rodeo. My Dr. tells me my hormones are all normal but I don't see how when I get brain fog, hot flashes and completely fatigued for a week or more at that time.
Do I keep depending on the Klonopin or try to muster through the daffy duck days. (I call it Daffy Ducking because of the way he would yell whoowhoo, whoohoo while bouncing from head to feet on the cartoons and that is how I feel sometimes).
I go to the store and just people watch sometimes at couples laughing carefree and enjoying life and want that sooooo bad again but just can't seem to get there but a day every now and again. :(

How old are you?

01-27-2013, 03:21 PM
I haven't taken it i am on zoloft but I feel the same way you do. I just want to feel normal again without relying on medication for it. I still don't feel totally better and I hate being scared all the time. I also look at people and think man I want that carefree and happy life.

I hear you. I can be happy one minute and then think I feel something funny and my brain is off and running. The last few weeks have been very challenging, more so then usual. I am constantly so tense my chest hurts and my upper arms also. I really worry what all the stress and strain is doing to my body and it scares me half to death. I just love being home and safe with my family and pets and like right now I am already dwelling on the fact that tomorrow is Monday and I will have to go out to work. My boss is the best and I have a very laid back job but I hate leaving the house. Even taking a shower lately is a challenge unless I leave the doors open and wipe up the entire floor after because I hate feeling closed into a small space.
I am Native American and am most at peace for some reason on the Reservation but it is about 90 miles away from me and the roads have been horrible. In the summer I love spending time there. Can't wait for more new housing so I can just move there. What a wonderfully peaceful place. Like going back in time with the traditions and rituals. Love the respect for the elders of the tribe and structure of it all. So peaceful.

a l i c i a
01-27-2013, 05:44 PM
How did it make you feel?

I went to the er about a month ago with a horrible panic attack and they prescribed me it. I really like it. I just ran out so when I go see a psychiatrist on the 5th I'm going to ask of he can prescribe me it.

01-27-2013, 09:50 PM
I went to the er about a month ago with a horrible panic attack and they prescribed me it. I really like it. I just ran out so when I go see a psychiatrist on the 5th I'm going to ask of he can prescribe me it.

Yeah! Thats what the ER prescribed me. I just took a half of 1mg & i feel great!
I was on valium, but i like ativan a lot more because its less of a body high & its more of a mind easier. Im going to try to get it prescribed it once i run out too!

a l i c i a
01-27-2013, 10:20 PM
Yeah! Thats what the ER prescribed me. I just took a half of 1mg & i feel great!
I was on valium, but i like ativan a lot more because its less of a body high & its more of a mind easier. Im going to try to get it prescribed it once i run out too!

Yeah that's why I like it! I don't feel messed up, I feel like I don't think about all the shit that could possibly be wrong with me!

01-30-2013, 03:15 AM
Yeah that's why I like it! I don't feel messed up, I feel like I don't think about all the shit that could possibly be wrong with me!

You havent had any withdrawal symptoms have you? Cause ive taken .5 for 2 days now & im worried about withdrawal if i continue.

01-30-2013, 05:40 AM
At that dose I'd be surprised if you has any trouble with withdrawal. Honestly. Alankay

01-30-2013, 07:17 AM
You havent had any withdrawal symptoms have you? Cause ive taken .5 for 2 days now & im worried about withdrawal if i continue.

I've been on Ativan for over a year now daily. It is great for panic attacks after the fact. I'm prescribed 1mg daily and usually take it before bed unless I have a panic attack then I take it right away. The problem with Ativan vs Xanax which I haven't tried, is that Ativan takes about 30-45 min to affect you vs almost instant with Xanax. But Ativan stays with you longer up to 6-8 hours I've found. Eventually it does make me fall asleep hence the reason I take it before bed daily if not needed. I haven't been relying on them as much lately and have cut my dose down to .5 daily after being on 1mg for over a year. I see no change. The thing about addiction is that not everyone will become addicted. Don't matter what you take, addiction is a personality trait, nothjng to do with the meds. You can however become physically dependent on them, meaning without them your body will react , same as taking yourself off of say blood pressure medicine. I have experienced neither physical need or addiction with Ativan as its not an instant high or relief. Anyways I feel that Ativan may lower your overall anxiety some but it hasn't done a lot for me as far as daily anxiety control like something else will. It is good for
Panic attacks but you have to take it during one, however your attack may be over before you feel
Effect. I have found just taking it will almost end an attack and if you leave it on your tongue for about 30 sec before you swallow it can help faster. Hope this helps

01-30-2013, 02:41 PM
Anyway don't be afraid of ativan if you are very anxious. At some you need to break that cycle and if used with discretion I believe the risk of any kind of dependence has to be weighed against always being anxiety ridden. Alankay

a l i c i a
01-30-2013, 04:13 PM
You havent had any withdrawal symptoms have you? Cause ive taken .5 for 2 days now & im worried about withdrawal if i continue.

No I haven't and I'm only taking .5 mg too!

Andrew Marino
02-01-2013, 12:07 AM
I have taken it on and off for about a year..it worked better than klonopin for me....i used to take 1mg but after awhile your body will get used to it if you take it every day...so what I did was skip a day then cut it in half to .5mg...then do .5mg for a bit until you feel more anxious then the 1mg will feel fully strong again like it was your first. I only use mine now as needed. Which since i have been sick, 3 times in the past month, i have been taking it every day now, which is not good.

02-01-2013, 05:42 PM
I have been taking ativan for 14 years.... Hospitals always seem to give you 1 mg tabs but when you get it prescribed to you by a DR. they usually give you the .5mg. So good of you to only take half... Sometimes I even break the .5 in half and only take that... I have never had any withdrawal from these ever.. However they are addicting.. Or so they say... I think its more in your head that if you find something (anything) that helps you with anxiety you will always want to keep this around... Just in case.. And that is my case.. I go nowhere without my adivan... All hell if I run out... I know I will manage but it's now my safety net... I wouldn't say I've ever had any with drawls from it though... I also agree it's much better than valuim.. That stuff knocks me right out.. I hate that feeling..