View Full Version : How can i get rid of the doubt?

01-27-2013, 02:55 AM
Ive had bad anxiety for about 2 months now. just last night i was in the ER because of bad heart palpitations. I had a ekg, blood work, chest xray & urine test done. They said everything looked good, prescribed me ativan for anxiety & released me. Well i have yet to take it, but im still worried even though all my test results came back normal. Its almost 2 am & im the only one awake & im alone. the higher my anxiety the worse my palpitations. The calmer i am, the less palpitations. Everything came back normal but i cant get worry out of my head :(

01-27-2013, 09:01 AM
Ive had bad anxiety for about 2 months now. just last night i was in the ER because of bad heart palpitations. I had a ekg, blood work, chest xray & urine test done. They said everything looked good, prescribed me ativan for anxiety & released me. Well i have yet to take it, but im still worried even though all my test results came back normal. Its almost 2 am & im the only one awake & im alone. the higher my anxiety the worse my palpitations. The calmer i am, the less palpitations. Everything came back normal but i cant get worry out of my head :(

Your heart is fine:) they tested it. We all go through this. Your heart can beat 200 times a min for weeks before it even can become a problem. Our hearts are strong muscles. As I have posted in previous threads I had that for 7 mths and now for a week I may have 1-2 palps a day. I started taking magnesium citrate (vitamins) and fish oil (omega3) both great for the heart. Mag citrate has a calming effect for the muscles and nerves and helps regulate your heart muscle. I even sleep better now and also do epsim salt baths 3 times a week. They say if you heart starts beating fast or skips to get a epsim salt bath for 15 mins and it will calm your heart down.

01-27-2013, 09:13 AM
Take the ativan you'll feel a lot better.