View Full Version : headache question.

01-26-2013, 10:49 PM
Hey everyone, I've got a question in regard to headaches I wanted to see if anyone had any insight or personal experience.

I know that headaches are a part of anxiety disorders, especially tension headaches due to muscle tension and so forth, but I am having a few symptoms outside the tension headache description and im wondering if someone can tell me what kind of headaches I'm dealing with.

I get headaches maybe a couple times a week, but sometimes more, sometimes less. The headaches start with feeling a bit kinda like a motion sickness, then I get a dull pain in the forehead area and the top of my head, sometimes my neck will hurt too. Up to this point it sounds like a typical tension headache, but here's the difference. Sometimes I get nausea and a bit of dizziness with it, and generally if I take an excedrine or something like that the pains go away but the nausea and dizziness will stay, sometimes all day long. In addition the headache tends to come back within a couple of hours and sometimes it never fully goes away.

I have had these headaches last from hours to days before, the one I have right now has been going for about 8 hours. I have taken 2 doses of excedrine, but it persists.

I have noticed that I for whatever reason tend to keep my face and jaw muscles tensed without thinking about it, I loosen them whenever I catch myself doing it.

I'm a bit concerned about the headaches, but I'm trying not to flip about it, I really don't think it's a major issue, it seems like standard tension headaches, but the fact that it doesn't completely go away with meds and that I sometimes get nauseous, and "swimmy headed" worry me.

Oh, forgot to mention I also have a bit of a stuffy nose with it which I tend to keep most of the time, not sure if that might be related.

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

01-27-2013, 10:31 AM
Thanks kev, I appreciate the response. I wasn't sure about the sinus thing because it's been going for so long, but at the same time I figured any equilibrium issues would pretty much have to come from there.

I hate most when it feels like the front or top of your head is just going to pop off!

Again though, thank you whenever I can get insurance I will go to the doctor about it, just wanted to see if anyone could tell me what it was to see how to cope with it for now.

01-29-2013, 04:33 PM
I had the most frustrating experience with a doctor today!

As I am uninsured I was forced to go to the er to be checked out on this headache thing, I told them all my symptoms and then the doc came in. He looked at my ears, throat, and eyes then said "I'm thinking viral" then left.

The nurse came back in a told me I was being discharged and I asked her what the diagnosis was and she said headache, seriously? I go to the hospital because I have a headache and the tell me I have a headache?

It's no wonder we can't find relief for our anxiety issues when doctors pay this much attention. Now I wonder how many hundreds of dollars its gonna cost me for the doctor to tell me I had a headache which I told him.

I wish he had done a better job, this headache is rough and it's gotten to the point where it is constant and non responsive to pain meds, I have to take 3 motrin pills and a lortab to ease it, but it doesn't go away. In thinking it's sinusitis, at least I hope that's all it is.

01-29-2013, 05:45 PM
Thanks again for the tips.

Kevin when you had this, did your headache move around? Sometimes mines in the face, the forehead, deep in the center, the back, the sides, and sometimes my neck or ears hurt, did yours do all of that? Did yours not respond to medication? Pain meds I mean, tylenol, motrin, etc? And finally, did you feel really run down and tired?

I'm thinking acute sinusitis, but I'm not sure

01-29-2013, 06:37 PM
Unreal, you are saying exactly what I'm feeling!

I tell ya, these headaches are the Pitts, and yes they move, change in intensity, everything you're saying. Seems that they get worse through the day and peak at night but when I wake up its either gone or barely there.

Can't take antihistamines due to the beta blocker that I'm on. Hopefully whenever I can get back to my doc I can get off of them.