View Full Version : In a Residential Treatment center currently for Anxiety and Depression

01-26-2013, 06:35 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I just wanted to share my little story to everyone and share what I've learned that has helped me.

When I have anxiety issues, I always feel like I'm going to die. Literally, I have a fear of dying during an anxiety attack. My body reacts in a certain way... I get:

-Really shake-y
-Really light headed
-A really bad headache
-Racing thoughts
-sick (throw up)
-stomach cramps
-cold hands and feet

The list seems endless to me.

What's helped me is self talk, talking to someone, writing everything down, reading, deep breathing, and anything related to art.

I hope this helps anybody, and I hope you guys have a good day.

01-26-2013, 07:06 PM
Welcome and good luck in your facility.

I went to a treatment facility when I was having constant panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. The group sessions there didn't really help me much but they got my medication back on track to where I could function.

The first night there I had a three hour panic attack, complete with convulsions and extreme pain... It was really offer but I'm glad I'm much better now

01-26-2013, 08:42 PM
Welcome anxietygrrr :) like you I have experienced much that you have listed...and silently dealing with my anxiety/panic attacks. I wish you much luck while in treatment which is a huge step on your part!

What kind of art do you do? Art is an excellent way to express yourself and is very healing and a good distraction from thoughts :) I enjoy drawing and painting.

Best wishes to you