View Full Version : Wen i try to nap

01-26-2013, 03:09 PM
Wen I try to nap my heart goes different beats or a hard one ..& recently my left ear has been hurting only wen I wake up .. Wat can it be I'm scare of my heart stopping even wen I take deep breaths :/ it's jitteriness

01-27-2013, 04:07 AM
I get this too sometimes I find its worse the more anxious or nervous I am so it's deffo anxiety related only when it's happening I can't seem to tell my brain that .... I can be just about to fall asleep and it happens and I feel I'm sinking or my heart is about to stop beating x

01-27-2013, 06:17 AM
Heart palpitations? I get them all the time too! But mostly when im laying on my left side.
Have you been checked out by a doctor?
Heart palpitations are very common with stress & anxiety. Your heart will not stop.

01-27-2013, 08:54 AM
I had that for 7 mths vary day all day. And did some research and started taking fish oil(omega 3) and magnesium citrate and have only had 1-2 a day. It's been a week now and what a diff it made. Fish oil and mag citrate are great for the heart and mag citrate helps regulate your heart and it has calming effect for muscles and nerves. I am even sleeping better now. And I also do epsim salt baths 3 times a week:) try it, there just vitamins.

01-27-2013, 09:05 AM
Heart palpitations? I get them all the time too! But mostly when im laying on my left side.
Have you been checked out by a doctor?
Heart palpitations are very common with stress & anxiety. Your heart will not stop.

Funny you mention laying on left side. Ive always maintained that this is the case.

When anxious the heart is very sensitive. It needs to be when revving up for a fight/flight situation.
So... anxious & laying left, partially crushing the heart can cause palps.
Experienced this myself MANY times.
Simply laying on right side helped.

01-27-2013, 09:07 AM
Funny you mention laying on left side. Ive always maintained that this is the case.

When anxious the heart is very sensitive. It needs to be when revving up for a fight/flight situation.
So... anxious & laying left, partially crushing the heart can cause palps.
Experienced this myself MANY times.
Simply laying on right side helped.

Yes mine does that too on the left side. I have to either lay on my back or my right side:)

01-27-2013, 03:36 PM
Funny you mention laying on left side. Ive always maintained that this is the case.

When anxious the heart is very sensitive. It needs to be when revving up for a fight/flight situation.
So... anxious & laying left, partially crushing the heart can cause palps.
Experienced this myself MANY times.
Simply laying on right side helped.

Me too! I also get them when laying on my stomach. It sucks when i sleep i can only do two positions, in my sleep i have turned to my left side & woken up with no palpitations.
So im glad i have not been woken up by them.

01-28-2013, 06:04 AM
Me too! I also get them when laying on my stomach. It sucks when i sleep i can only do two positions, in my sleep i have turned to my left side & woken up with no palpitations.
So im glad i have not been woken up by them.

I would get them on any position (back, front or left) but most likely not get them if I lay on my right side.

I recall one night where I was laying to the right and feeling ok, then I turned left... and my heart went bonkers, lol
Honestly, it was like I was looking after a sensitive animal inside me, where I'd have to do everything really carefully & slowly as to not upset it! hah

I would never EVER get palps during the night (momentary wakes) or first thing in the morning when I'm all nice & sleepy and my mind is at rest.
In fact, I longed for that sleepy stirring first thing in the morning. I was so calm & relaxed.
- This was a profound observation, actually - since it refinforced the fact that the phenomena was indeed anxiety / nervous related.