View Full Version : Need help health anxiety

01-26-2013, 12:38 PM
Hello everyone im going mad, ive got it into my head iv had all sorts of desieases an think im lossing weight december the 12th i weighed 11.2 (stone) now i weigh 10.13 roughly im jumping on the scales everyday morning and night to check now im starting to think i can see and feel all my bones through my skin (im 6ft tall and skinny) is this just being anxious an nervoura because i think im loosing alot of weight i did loose my appetite and now its back sort of i eat quite abit at night n weigh my self at like 11 stone 2 or 3 then wake up n im back down to like 11 stone is this normal? I just dont seem to be putting any weight on : (

01-26-2013, 01:11 PM
It could just be your motabalism... I would go to the doctars andvget reasurance .. i suffer health related anxiety. Its debilitating , i know. But we will see the light ...

01-26-2013, 02:17 PM
You need medical marijuana to give you an appetite, calm your anxiety. Make sure the medical marijuana is an indica and NOT a sativa.

01-26-2013, 02:17 PM
I went to the doctors teo week ago and was weighned n he aaid the weight loss isnt surfishent enough. : ( if it was something major i guess the weigh would just drop off

01-26-2013, 02:24 PM
Anxiety/depression has made me lose 100lbs in a few years. I weigh 305lbs at the moment, but it fluctuates. I found smoking a lil bit of weed gives me an appetite . If It wasn't for medical marijuana I would be very skinny. My ideal weigh should be 245lbs

01-26-2013, 05:53 PM
Everyone experiences slight weight fluctuation, just normal people don't weigh themselves every morning and night. I am also skinny, about 112 pounds and 5'6. I had a point in time when I weighed myself and everytime I'd drop a few pounds I'd freak out thinking wow I'm too small to lose weight, but my guess is I've always done it and never checked. The doctors have always told me I have a high metabolism that could even out when I get a little older, and my parents are both small in stature as well, so I figure this is just me and I accept it.