View Full Version : Reccomend your favorite books.

01-25-2013, 10:14 PM
This thread isn't about self help books, or things like that. I just would like to know what are some people's favorite books? I'm looking for the kind of book when you read it and months later you catch yourself remembering it because it was that good. I used to like to read, and for a long time I haven't been. But lately at night when nothing is on tv I just get an urge for a good book.

a l i c i a
01-25-2013, 11:25 PM
I loves James Frey a million little pieces and My friend Leonard. Also any Ellen Hopkins book. My favorite by her is impulse.

01-26-2013, 04:41 AM
I read a LOT. Mainly young adult fiction (cos I'm a high school English teacher!), but here are a few of my favourites.

The Gone series by Michael Grant - cool Sci-Fi for kids. Like a Lord of the Flies, but with mutants!!

The Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody - amazing Australian series; fantasy in a post apocalyptic setting, a series now 24 years in the making!

The Tomorrow When the War Began series by John Marsden - one of my favourites as a kid, still timeless in my opinion.

Maus by Art Spiegelman- an amazing graphic novel. Part biography, autobiography, memoir, recount.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman - a very cool read indeed!

Game of Thrones series by George R R Martin - a rich tapestry of fantasy, violence, politics, a dwarf - what more do you need!?

The Beach - I can't remember the author!! 10 times better than the film.

Scar Tissue by Anthony Keidis - as talented a writer as he is with his music. A rare autobiography.

The Walking Dead graphic novels by Kirkland, Adlard et al. So freaking awesome, I love the TV series too, but the comics are soooo much better!

The Life of Pi by Yann Martel is fantastic - I loved the movie version too. One of the first times I have appreciated an adaptation since Fight Club.

Speaking of Fight Club, Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk is crazy good. One of the best books I read all year. A reporter discovers a culling spell that kills people when recited out loud and then vows to destroy every copy of it.

World War Z by Max Brooks. Who doesn't love zombies? And judging by the movie preview, I'd get in on the novel before the title becomes a laughing stock. It's an easy, but deeply poignant read - not because of the brutality of the zombies either.

01-26-2013, 07:01 AM
We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver is fantastic. I couldn't put it down. Quite controversial & raw, but a brilliant read. Very deep & dark.

Anything by Chuck Palahniuk. There's something about his writing that makes me just want to read everything he's done. It's different & fun. As well as disturbing at times, which I like.

Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson is another favourite. I've read it over & over. One of the few books that the film stayed completely true to.

The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum. The whole Bourne series actually. So much more in depth than the films. If you've seen the films, they missed so much out from the books, so it's like a completely different story.

I do want to read World War Z, so that may be my next purchase. I ordered 6 new books yesterday. So I've a lot to get through haha.